March. Its Madness, Beast Unleashed

It has been a tough two days for YHC with Kentucky’s loss to Carolina. We played carelessly, without the abandon needed to close, giving away unnecessary FGs, missing critical layups, dunks, and free throws. YHC has seen the replays. Yes there were some bad calls (some really bad). John Higgins [] best be glad he lives in Omaha. But we lost by 2 points, 2 that were missed earlier in the game multiple times.

This is madness. And the Beast needed to be unleashed.

Its March, we start with Madness: 1’s in bear crawl and 2’s in crab walk in the center circle. Change between the two every time you tap someone or are tapped. Just 4 minutes, just like overtime, to give it all you’ve got. 10 bears and 6 crabs at the end. Crabs get 10 burpees, bears amrap merkins.

Enough madness, circle up: SSH, imp walkers, good am, SIR Fazio arm circles, windmills, mtn climbers, modified mtn climbers with foot to hand.

The Wildcat Beast was scorned and looking for victims. Scorned Beast. Four corners (not six) on the soccer field, with 9 counts of each exercise per corner, 6 rounds, 5 sets of 9 cc AB work between each round: Exercises x 4 corners x 9 cc: Rd 1-Burpee’s. Rd 2-Monkey humpers. 3-Knee ups. 4-Star jumps. 5-Squat jumps. 6-Jump lunges. Five AB exercises x 10 cc at each lap: Boat canoe. Dying cockroach. Freddie mercury. American hammers. LBCs.

Head to the missing flag for Crimson led Mary, more Hammers.


Announcements: Bull this Saturday -clown car from Sheetz at Hwy55/Kit Creek, Kryptonite launch Monday at Koko Boothe, picnic and convergence May 6. Use the link sent by Shutty to enter FNGs. Take the time to get name and email.

Prayer concerns to Shutty’s wife Brooke and one other (sound off).

YHC took us out.

NMS Tclaps to Franklin running it in with Sky Blue.

Speaking of Franklin, he may be the sole reason more new men don’t step forward to Q. The mumble chatter is relentless. Pair that with with his GQ hair, and you have intimidation. Boat-Canoe or Canoe-Boat. Who cares?

Speaking of Franklin, he had this senior F3er on edge, couldn’t even count right. He plans to post to the F3 podcast, “Cadence Counting”. It should be a great video with that, hair.

Enough on Franklin.

Kotters to Disco Duck. YHC received a minimal running request and it was honored.

Men, when Sooey’s name is called, please share respects properly and say it right.. “Sooooooooo eee”

What’s up with Airbag frolicking all over the field, doing his own thing. Imma worried.

See also