Mamma Mia!

18 PAX were treated to a fine TTT at BO. Whether they knew it or not, they had gathered to help YHC start off his 43rd year on the big ball the right way.

YHC spent some time last night thinking about how to include the maximum amount of suck into 45 minutes, and I think it paid off. All but the music, which was packed with pure 1975 gold. Except for that ELO song. That one didn’t work out.

Disclaimer given for FNG Chris (who I keep wanting to call Mark, but that’s beside the point). #ownvolition


Baby, we were born to run.. over to the wave-less bank patio. Music and a couple of 30# rucks made the trek with us for:

  • SSH x42
  • Good morning x10
  • Arm-o-rama: Sir Fazio forward / Overhead clap (TTT-enabled, no less. #attractive) / Moroccan Nightclub / Sir Fazio reverse

First Thang

  • Mosey to parking deck, 2-line Indian Run with rucks making their way from front to back of each line. When it gets to you, mosey faster up front, then pass it back. We sorta got it.
  • Pick up the six, then everyone head to the top of the east stairwell.
  • Run down stairs, 1x burpee. Run back up, 6x burpees. Repeato down to 6/1. Take a turn with one of the rucks. It’s good for you.
  • Plank-o-rama when done

Another Thang

  • Head to west wall for people’s chair. Pass ruck down and back, then recover.
  • 2 PAX at a time, each take a ruck down stairs and back up, while remaining PAX stay up top and AMRAP out a dealer’s choice/FTL exercise.
  • Audible to 4 PAX at a time.. 2 ruck down, 2 ruck up.
  • Audible to we’re-out-of-time. We’ll get the rest of y’all next time.
  • Mosey back to BO courtyard

One Last Thang

  • Sally.
  • American Hammer x42


  • Welcome FNG Ron Swanson (director of Parks & Rec for Wake County, who apparently has not watched the show. #bingetime)
  • F3 Dads (shirt-enabled, we hear?) / CSAUP / Triple-down (also shirt-enabled, on gear store now)
  • FIA “official launch” this weekend. Get the ladies in your life out for a multi-Q beatdown (does FIA call them beatdowns?)
  • Prayers for Burt’s M - 32 years of matrimonial bliss today. Aye!
  • Kermit starting new job. Get it!
  • YHC took us out. Thanks fellas!


  • Note to self: steel plates block Bluetooth. Cobains for the interrupted Zeppelin. Side pocket saved the day.
  • YHC was explaining Thang 1 as a Jacob’s ladder - run down stairs, 1 burpee, run back up, repeato up to 7. Then something magical happened. Yoga Mat asked “wait, are we doing anything up here?” Thus our ladder was turned into double-burpee 7’s. As luck would have it, there are *42* reps in a set of 7’s! How fortuitous.
  • I apparently need to wait until I’m 55 to do the same thing with 11’s. #CUITG
  • MaBell was totally blowing up COT from 1300 miles away. #sohotrightnow
  • Mark Snow did the music for X-Files and Millennium. I was looking forward to naming our FNG accordingly, until I re-learned his actual name.

See also