Making Tortoises Great Again

Approximately 4 years ago, after months of EH’ing by CHiPs from South Wake, YHC made his F3 debut at the premier Wednesday limited run AO in all of Carpex. I say approximately because there is no backblast for the workout. But it was the 2nd Wednesday in August, if my feeble 51 year old memory is doing me any favors today. It was rough. Yogi had the Q and I’m pretty sure I coded at least twice during the workout. Once I came to, and made it home, I decided that it was pretty fun and I’d go again. After another look at the F3 Carpex website, I couldn’t pass up Dante’s Peak on Friday. It’s close to home, and it’s also 5:45. Gotta get that extra 15 minutes of sleep. Fast forward 4 years(ish), and time for my annual celebration Q at Tortoises.

Warm Up

Run a loop around the parking lot. Circle up for SSHs, Steve Earles, Sir Fazio arm circles, Crimson-led single Good Morning, then some stretching. 30 Merkins taboot

Thang 1

Mosey to the infamous hill across the street. 7s - Burpees at the top, LBCs at the bottom. Run backwards when coming back up the hill

Thang 2

Mosey back to the parking lot. Partner up for some Catch Me and You Will. Partner 1 does El Capitans around the pickle, while Partner 2 runs around the pickle. When they meet up, do 5 Merkins each and flip flop. Continue until the partner doing El Caps completes the loop 1 time.

Thang 3

Mosey to the area of the church by the picnic tables. Number off 1, 2, 3.

  • 1s do 5 pull-ups each, and don’t leave the area to switch until ALL MEMBERS complete
  • 2s do L/L and R/R step ups Pivot-style
  • 3s do Balls to the Wall, or Balls to Yall

When the 1s complete, they relieve the 2s, who then switch places with the 3s who replace the 1s. Continue in this circular fashion until the Q calls time.


40 more Merkins, a bunch of Dying Cockroaches and American Hammers


28 total, a few Hates thanks to Meat Loaf, several Respects and an Honor. We made some announcements, took prayer requests, YHC shared a little about his F3 origin and then we went out in prayer.


  • Props to Track Star for changing his routine to run into and back to my house from the AO this morning. He’s a beast
  • Props to Yogi for Q’ing the first workout I ever did at F3, naming YHC, and being there today. He even tried Balls to Yall. Nice effort!
  • It was a little sticky this morning. Not sure it’s possible to sweat more.
  • WWW has been transforming this AO by introducing Tailgate Coffee post-workout. It’s a great culture booster and he’s excellent at this.
  • Regardless of where you are today, push yourself to get a little better. Don’t settle for where you are today. It might take some pain and discomfort. Accept that gladly, in exchange for the ability to push yourself just a little bit more.
  • The above statement is why I pushed you this morning!
  • Humbled beyond words to lead all of you as well. MIAGD!!!

See also