Making Rectangles!

Really beautiful, crisp & cool morning at BnB! Here’s what happened:

Welcome & mission, no FNG, pledge. Mosey to the big office building for warm-up – typical stuff. Then, the big Thang – 21’s merkins & monkey humpers working the big parking lot making beautiful Strava rectangles – added LBC’s on the alternate corners…. After that we got a little bear crawling in as promised & it was back to the flag for CoT – parking lot was packed with Lifetime Fitness folks crowding our space – what the heck people??

CoT – heavy respect day in the dirty dozen

Announcements: Sunday is Mother’s Day – don’t be that guy. Speaking of that, 2 pm Sunday – Carying Place mowing/cleanup help needed. Memorial Day Murph at HFT, Saturday – Phoenix Spartan 300

P/P: upcoming graduates, kid’s coming home from school, daughter getting work, silent prayers

NMS – quick & dirty BB here, but it was a great morning – 10/12 made it to NYB & we hung out quite a while – good times!

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