Magic 8 Ball (Dice)

It was a calm, dark, and misty morning at Phoenix as I prepared for my (solo) virgin Q, it also kinda served as an unofficial “kickoff” of VQ week, which will officially begin on Monday.  As expected the butterflies were stirring and the adrenaline was flowing, but I was definitely ready!  By 6:25 a total of 18 pax were gathered and ready for the workout, and after an official welcome at 6:30, we were off jogging to the parking lot of the community center for warm ups.  YHC may or may not have started out a little fast due to said adrenaline..


Warm Up

-Good morning x 10

-SSH x 20

-Sir Fasio Arm Circles, forward and reverse x 10 each

-Calf stretches

-Plank Jacks x 10

-Mtn Climbers x 10

-Quick Feet on the parking stops x 15


Thang 1

We moseyed around to the back of the community center where we partnered up.  Partner 1 did BTTW, while partner 2 ran a lap around the building, then we switched.  After 10 Sumo squats and a recovery it was time for round two of BTTW and a lap around the building each, followed by 10 Prisoner squats.


Thang 2

From there we jogged to the speed bump just past the community center parking lot.  We then proceeded, with our partners, with Catch Me if You Can.  The partners would have to catch each other after doing 5 burpees.  We continued all the way to Bond Park Dr entrance.  After plank holding for the six we proceeded with 10 boat canoes.  Then it was Catch Me if You Can all the way back to where we started, with partner 1 doing a prisoner run and partner 2 catching them after doing 5 Carolina Dry Docks.


Thang 3

After a quick recovery we walked over to the big grassy hill just off the walking trail.  One partner did Crawl Bear all the way down the hill and did 5 monkey humpers before jogging backwards back up the hill.  Meanwhile the other partner was alternating between 10 Merkins and 10 LBC’s, and would switch after being tagged by their partner after coming back up the hill.  After the partners had done both parts, they would repeat the exercise adding 5 monkey humpers at the bottom of the hill.  The workout finished when everyone reached 15 monkey humpers.  At which point everyone gathered at the bottom of the hill.


Thang 4

While we were here, we made two rows for Tunnel of Love, as the active pax would Zombie crawl underneath everyone else.  Everyone went twice, before Indian running back to the flag.



I wanted to do something different for the mary time, so I bought a 12 sided foam workout dice and customized it with F3 mary exercises.  One pax was in the center and rolled the dice.  After calling what exercise it landed on would drop to a low plank hold until everyone in the circle had completed it. They would then jump out of the center and back into the circle while next person took a turn.  The exercise continued until everyone had a chance to roll.  Finally, a quick rep of Have a Nice Day rapped it all up.



Count-a-rama- 18

Name-a-rama- 1 Hate, 13 Meh, 4 Respect

Announcements- VQ week starts Monday the 10/8, F3 Picnic at Ritter Park Sunday 10/14 at 4pm, The Odyssey 10/20 at 6:00am; location tba.

Prayers/praises- Praises for Liverpool’s mother getting to come home, and for Aristocrat’s wife delivering their baby.  Prayers for Callahan’s wife for quick and smooth delivery of their child, prayers in general for Tecumseh and Mississippi.

Great job today guys!


P.S. – It was truly an honor and an awesome experience to lead the pax today.  Thank you guys so much for continuing to push every workout, and for encouraging me to step out and lead this morning!  Y’all are awesome!

See also