Ma grunted a merkin

The negative impact of COVID-19 on travel is obvious. Fact is, in many respects, travel has overnight become something most people are avoiding like crazy. Hopefully not for ever but there’s definitely been a fair bit of upheaval: cancelled business trips, less inviting person trips, family “getting by” with video calls and summer plans going arse over tit. All in all, it sucks. Case in point, RDU saw more passengers on an average day in February than they did in all of April 2020. That stat blew my mind. Passengers down 90+% and flights off 80+%.

But it’s not all negative news on the travel front. I, for one, have been traveling more than ever before. Granted, it’s not for work and it sure as hell isn’t on an airplane. But in the last few weeks since CARPEx has been soft-opening, I have visited or Q’ed more AOs than ever before. And I don’t plan to slow that pace down until work-related travel picks up.

Case in point today’s FMJ Q. Tuesdays have not generally been a popular get-out-in-the-gloom day. But with WFH and “learn”-from-home making it easier for both me and my wife to get after, I’ve been checking things off as quick as I can.

Plus there’s that Qoozie!


I am not a professional. I am also not a trainer, doctor, physical therapist or licensed in sports medicine. If you have recently suffered an injury that may or may not require significant time off to heal up properly, please take care that you do not re-injure yourself.

Also, and in unrelated news, “Hi Orphan!”


Mosey to warm up spot in front of Elementary School, careful to include one lap around the pickle.

SSH IC x25 (including some Burt-jacks)
IW x20
MC x20
GM x8

Maybe something else. Feels like I would have called PJs or Merkins while down in plank after the MC but I don’t remember. I’ll be honest, cadence counting after those Burt-jacks was a struggle.

Mosey to the Middle School


Dora 1-2-3-4 at the Middle School:
1 = 100 merkins
2 = Bonnie Blairs (L/R = 1)
3 = Dips
4 = Freddy Merc’s (L/R = 1)
Partner runs the school.

Group Catch Me If You Can around the track:
PAX pick a lane and mosey backwards around the track. 1 PAX drops for 5 HRMs and chases down the group. Different PAX drops for HRM etc etc. I had Garfield at a full on sprint while trying to make it back to the start/finish line.

Compass Merkins:
En route back to the Flag, stopped at that nice steep grassy knoll by the Middle School. 10x merkins up-hill (N), right (E), downhill (S) and left (W).


100s, L/R heel touches x20 and protractor set.


  • 7 of the finest PAX this side of Davis Drive. Or that side of Davis Drive for that matter.
  • Prayers for Sandy and staying connected to family.
  • Praises for time with family


  • A grunt was heard during merkins. The PAX all swore it was Ma Bell but that can’t be right. Can it?
  • Qoozie earned. Super happy to earn this one after deciding very last minute to drop my scheduled Q early on in the pandemic. FMJ is an awesome spot and I can’t wait to get back.
  • Coffeeteria in the drive-thru at Wake Zone was fantastic. Even better when it turned into a convergence with the PAX who Q-shopped their way into a Parker beatdown at DTP.
  • Bignets didn’t open till 7. Missed opportunity.

See also