Lulu's VQ & 8 months of gloom

Looking back on 8 months of the gloom, since my first post at SNS, I can’t imagine life BF3 (before F3). I remember feeling the hook and leaving Bond Park that morning wanting more. Needless to say, F3 and the PAX have since become more than an early morning workout for me.  F3 is brotherhood, accountability, mental and physical exercise, discipline, growth and now (thanks to Shut-In’s not so optional invitation to Q) practice in leadership.

After a few VQ jitters, Shakira Hip Dip instructions (thanks to Earhart), and an FNG disclaimer - 21 PAX set out on a “HATE” inspired morning. YHC has been getting enough “HATE” simply based on age that a good ol’ fashioned beatdown was in store in hopes of actually earning some of that “HATE!”

Here’s what we did:


  • Mosey to the end of the parking lot - circle up.
  • SSH / Windmills / Merkins (HOLD IT) Plank Jacks (HOLD IT) Merkins / Recover on the run up the hill along Apex BBQ - backwards run midway to the top. Circle up.

The First Thing:

  • Squat Hold / PULSE / Sumo Squats / Partner UP for a little Catch Me If You Can.
  • P1 starts at the top with Merkins, P2 moseys down Evans Rd towards the basketball court. P1 catches up to P2 after Merkins, FLAP-JACK, finish at the court - Squat Hold
  • SUICIDES. P1 - all you got, P2 People’s Chair with arms out front. FLAP-JACK, a 10-count, BTTW (since we’re already on the fence), count down the line, Burpees OYO, recover on the run.
  • Head towards the bridge with some Skipping For Height on the way (you missed out Hot Spot). No need for YHC to call BEAR CRAWL once we hit the bridge - this has become a DP tradition… is there really any other way down?
  • Plank Road at the bottom of the bridge. Plank Hold… right arm up, right leg up, regular, left side… you know the rest. Shakira Dip Hips because swim suit season is here. Recover on the mosey to The Rock Pile.

The Second Thing:

  • Catch Me If You Can around the pond. P1 Lunge Walks while doing Rock Curls. P2 runs full length around pond. FLAP-JACK until rock circumnavigates the entirety of the pond.
  • Everyone grab a rock, circle up. Rock Rows, Over Head Press, Tricep Extensions, American (Rock) Hammers, WWII (Rock) Sit Ups, rocks back.
  • Mosey back towards the cars. Crawl Bear on the bridge with an audible mid way - Lunge Walk the remainder to the top. Head to the shelter for some Dips and Derkins. Time for a little Mary.


  • YHC wanted to share some VQ love. Rotary calls some more American Hammers. Open-Out calls low plank hold with a count around the circle . That’s it.


  • Count-a-rama: 21 PAX
  • Name-a-rama: Welcome FNG, Road Rash. I hope you felt the hook like I did 8 months ago.
  • Prayers: For the hurt and healing - Open Out’s Make-a-Wish patient and her family, Wilbur’s son and upcoming surgery, CD and his family. For safety - Old Maid taking Scouts to the Crystal Coast this weekend. For Fathers - that with Father’s Day approaching we would extend love, respect, and appreciation towards our own fathers, remember lost fathers, and find grace and peace in our Heavenly Father.


  • Father/2.0 workout coming up. Talk to Shuty for details.
  • 2nd F is BOOMING with summer month activity - get on GroupMe.
  • Continue to strive for community with our F3 brothers outside of posting.
  • VQ Month coming up. If the hatest of hates can do it - you can too.

This morning, I felt that hook again… the hook I felt 8 months ago after my first post. Being the PAX’s YHC brings a whole new element to F3. The experience was incredible and I left DP this morning wanting more. Be on the lookout for a few more Lulu Q’s this summer.


  • Is this Callahan BB length? VQBB got me all emotional.
  • Callahan - how do you have time for this???
  • Can we have a BackBlast school courtesy of Rip Tide?
  • VQ feels like a right of passage - like I just shaved for the first time, or got hair on my chest.
  • I promise I wasn’t trying to oblige the Nan’tan during our warm-up
  • 42 total PAX posted in Carpex this morning - proud to be a part of it

See also