Lucky 7's & Ring-of-Fire Fun!

Beautiful sunrise this morning at Flying Circus in the far western territory of Carpex!  Was prepared for monster heat but it was actually quite pleasant this morning with low humidity. …..although we all know that it really doesn’t matter!

8 HIMs gathered – no FNG.  F3 intro given & we started with the pledge.  9th HIM came in on two wheels….. CRO had the PAX do 5 penalty burpees…Moseyed around to the side drive with some easy warm up motion, backwards & karaoke, etc… circle up for:

The Warm Up

Circle up for good mornings, Abe Vigodas, calf stretch w/merkins, mountain climbers, hillbillies, SSH, etc.  Mosey over to the soccer field for:

Thang 1 –

Modified 7’s working opposite corners of the field – descending 4-count Homer-to-Marge & ascending 4 count Drying Cockroaches – modification was 10 WWIIs between each stop.  Run suicides on the soccer field lines & all you got to mid field.

Circle up at center field for :

Thang 2 –

Ring-of-Fire – bear crawl around the circle, halt & hold plank.  Everyone holds plank while we take turns with 5 merkins, 5 wide merkins, 5 offset right merkins, 5 offset left, bear crawl back the other way.  Fire for sure.  Flipped to work the legs, so lunge-walked the circle, stopped for prisoner squats on my up/down, then sumo squats of the up/down, finish with some more lunge walking.  Hard work there….

Mosey to end of field another rounds of suicides….. then mosey back toward the flag.  Stop on the way for some Turkish Get-Ups

Quick Mary time – LBCs & H-A-N-D.


  • Count-o-rama – 9 PAX.

  • Name-o-rama -  3 respects, & 6 mehs

  • Announcements

    • Tomorrow!  Friday the 31st – Carpex 6th Anniversary – looking to post 100 PAX – bring ‘em out!  All Friday site Q’s, work on your PAX to deliver at least 25 per site.
    • Crazy Train coming up – check Slack channel for details.
  • Praises & Prayers

    • Ezekiel’s mom, Mary got clean bill of health from Cardiologist

    • Healthy & happy baby that sleeps well for Mozart

    • Unsaid prayers on everyone’s minds

Wrapped with CoT –  I’m honored to be part of it

See also