Lt. Danger reporting for duty

A balmy 71 degrees this morning did not scare off several EC runners including YHC, Largemouth, Michelob, Chanticleer, Chipper, Ooofta & Staubach.

All familiar faces this morning, so off we go for a little traveling warm up around the lake. Stopping a few times for Good Mornings & Windmills, then again for Imperial Walkers and SSH, then again for Mnt. Climbers and Merkins. Final stop was the start of the bridge where we walked on our hands (feet on top of bridge) across to the other side.

**Thang One
**Partner Up. Catch Me If You Can with 3x Parker Peters to the end of the greenway.

Split up into 4 groups. Prison Indian Run to the large parking lot.

**Thang Two
**Timed Lt. Dangers. Run to the four corners perform 1x Lt. Danger in each corner then back to the start. Check the time.

After the first round I added 20 seconds, increased the Lt. Dangers to two in each corner and issued a penalty of 1 burpee per second we mere over our goal time.

This continued each round adding another rep up until 5 in each corner and adding 10 seconds each time.

The only problem was this group of HIM rose to the challenge each time and never received any penalty burpees. However it did give me a few extra minutes for something else.

Run to the bottom of the hill on the side of the building. Partner Up. Wheelbarrow up the hill. When you have to stop to switch with your partner, do a penalty burpee (I was going to get those in somehow) then switch. Continue until you get to the top of the hill.

Mosey to the flag.


Memorial Day Convergence 5/27
Carpex Anniversary 5/31

YHC took us out with a quote from Marilyn Ferguson

“Of all the self-fulfilling prophecies in our culture the assumption that aging means decline and poor health is probably the deadliest.”


See also