Louisville Don't Know

I pulled in to the parking lot at Salem Pond Park excited about my first Q at Full Metal Jacket.  Banjo was there, McCants was there, I knew we had to do some burpees.


Mosey across the parking lot and circle up for some side straddle hops, imperial walkers, plank jacks and ten burpees OYO.

The Thang

Mosey over to the grass hill next to the flag for Jacob’s ladder.  Over the hill, four burpees, return, repeato adding one burpee until we get to ten.  Then do five more just for fun.

Mosey over to the columns in front of the school for three-man Dora.  Partner up into three man groups, partner 1 runs a lap around the parking lot, partner 2 does balls to the wall on the columns, partner 3 knocks out 100 carolina dry docks, 200 star jumps and 300 dying cock-a-roaches.  Rotate when the runner finishes his lap.

Mosey over to the far entrance and return to the flag along the sidewalk, stopping at each light pole for five burpees.


Freddy Mercurys, LBCs, one-legged Homer-to-Marge, and of course, ten burpees OYO


Count-a-rama: 17 Name-a-rama: 4 RESPECTS, 12 mehs, 1 HATE Prayers / Praises: Prayers for Chinese Downhill’s father as he goes through knee replacement surgery, prayers for WWW’s friend whose nephew was killed in a car accident, prayers for John and Ray, two friends of PAX who are being treated for pancreatic cancer, prayers for Grease Monkey’s mother Missy as she continues her battle with cancer BOM: YHC took us out


By my count we hit 99 burpees.  And no one clapped, so they all count.  After today’s twitter war with F3Louisville, any time I’m Q you’ll get no credit for burpees that include a clap.

FMJ is a fun AO with lots of options.  It’s easy to plan a workout there, and when you Q they give you a gift.  Thanks for the F3 koozie, Shank!

A few of us enjoyed the second F at the Coffee shop next door.

You guys worked hard today.  I needed every bit of Q adrenaline to push me through it.  Thank you for letting me lead this amazing group of HIM.

See also