Loud Ain't Hi Tempo

64 degree, limited humidity, 13 men (6 for 2 lake loops EC)  for a little Kryptonite this am.  Flag planted, no FNGs.   Select a partner.   Cape and Boxing Gloves did not last long.   We are off.

Warm Up

  • Half lap.
  • SSH, MC, LBJJ, Hillbilly, LBJJ, GMs.  10-20x.
  • Quick run over to the big parking lot.


  • Finish warm up (see above) + 13 burpees OYO.
  • Webbicides.  10 cones.   1 merkin at the first cone up to 10 merkins…increasing Merkins each time in suicide style after running to each of the 9 cones separated by about 15 yards.
  • Indian run to the start of the trial.
  • Partner…catch me if you can with 5 jump squats around the 1.3 mile lake trail.
  • Finish in parking lot then back to lake trail head with a short jog.
  • Jacobs ladder on the stairs to the back stage at KOKA with increasing to 1-7 burbees at the top.
  • Finish up with fast flutters in the parking lot.


  • Announcements - G2G (Burts dude matching up to 1K), new AO this Friday at Ritter Park (5:45) Joe Smiff and Oooooofta are the Site Q,s,  Labor Day convergence at Bond, 9/11 Stair Climb at Carter Finley (be there at 5:30…gate 4), Kryptonite is normal tempo that same day and needs a Q, see Pet Sounds about Smiff Mountain Lake week-end, Maynard 10 miler this Wed…departs Bond at 5:00 am.
  • Prayers:   School starting….pray for easy transition and good decisions,  Crimson, Houston/SE Texas.
  • YHC took us out with a passage for Ephesians 6 11:13….which discusses the Protective Armor we have to guard against the devil.    Think of F3 as yet another layer and give thanks we have the protection!

Pleasure to lead and hang with such good dudes….and in the words of Flip Flop….Loud ain’t Hi Tempo..

See also