Lots O' Partner Work

With Peeping Tom Qing his farewell workout at SWW and Riptide offering “brownies” at Dazed and Confused YHC was surprised anyone other than the site-Q showed on such a morning. But that’s the glory of this group. HIMs come out to not only further their 1stf but to encourage the men who step up to lead them. Encouragement was certainly a well used tool during this workout as 9 pax push their limits for 45 minutes. Disclaimer, Pledge of Allegiance, Follow Me.

Warm-up: Side Straddle Hop, Steve Earle, J-Lo, Bird Dog, Daisy Pickers, Dive Bombers, Carolina Drydocks, Good Mornings. Crimson is basically doing Good Mornings for the entirety of the Warm-up but he’s a Respect and we can allow that. Pax choice on the pace to the upper lot for Thang 1. One group took a 9 min/mi pace through the park while group 2 took a 7:30 min/mi pace via the road. Forgot to mention that this was supposed to be an Indian run but just enjoyed the run as a pack.

Thang 1: Vacuum Cleaners- Probably my favorite exercise in the Exicon but my least favorite to call. My partner Compound W really got a kick out of this one. Must have been his first time. I anticipate he’ll call this in one of his Qs. Mosey down to the amphitheater for Thang 2.

Thang 2: Partner Carry - Head up the hill in Partner Carry to the restroom, 5 Partner Merkins, down the hill, Flapjack. Repeato. Qwerty and his partner were flying up the hill. Made it look easy. Mosey to the rock pile for Thang 3.

Thang 3: Pax Choice Rock Work/ Pull ups - While partner 1 is doing rock work P2 runs the loop around the pond to the Pull-up bar for 6-10 reps then finish the loop back to partner. Flapjack for three rounds. Mosey back to the flag just in time for 45 seconds of Mary.

Mary -30 Supermans


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