Loom Rings The Bells

It was 1955, Oh, I mean 2015 when YHC did his VQ, has it been that long? YHC thought it was not that far back.. oh well, 14 PAX were treated to a body and soul workout, PAX was kind and hardly any mumble chatter related to all the Q’ing errors… YHC will try to remember it is ‘regular’ NOT ‘recover’; so on, encouragement and support all around

Start at the Shelter - Disclaimer – Pledge of Allegiance –

The warmup: This was the interesting part for YHC…. Wave Mosey to the far side of the parking lot – Circle up

Start the day right with Good Mornings x 10 10x Cotton Pickers 10x Imperial Walkers

Paint the lines to the first light pole and Wave Mosey back to the shelter

Music starts on some fine speakers!

Thang 1: Partner up for Dora – Partner 1 stay at shelter and work your body: 100x Merkins 100x Monkey Humpers 100x Kettle Bell Swings 100x Kettle Bell Squats 100x Kettle Bell Curls

Partner 2 Bear Crawl to fire hydrant and run back & Switch

At 80% or more work done at the shelter, YHC noticed the PAX was quiet and was tipped by a HIM to mix things up.. listening has always gotten YHC far.. Let everyone stop with Dora… whatever was done was enough..

Wave Mosey to the other side of the parking lot … Circle up 10x Get Ups (YHC called them sit ups, some HIM’s called them Get Ups correctly & yet others called them Turkish Getups.. this was just simply Get ups)

Handover to Co-Q Disco Duck

Thang 2 (Disco’s part) Mosey over to the handrails between the soccer fields for three rounds of Australian pull-ups/Irkins x 10, mosey back to the flag for kettle bell rock your body and kettle bell burpees.

COT (Disco’s part) American hammers, LBCs and Freddie Mercs, all with your kettle bell Five minutes stretch to let it all sink in Midnight Moon (?) Stretch (lay flat on ground and raise your back) Calf Stretch, Leg Stretch, Neck Stretches Parker (?) called an arm stretch

We are out of time.. YHC dispensed motivation behind Wave Mosey…. remember to ride life like an ocean wave (inspired by Flip Flop’s recent Q);

Name O Rama

Announcements: PAX collecting back to school supplies, already $400 collected plus supplies, venmo Shut-in. Other announcements??

Prayers Requests and Praises: YHC praised Term Paper for leading from behind and mentoring subtly

YHC took us out

What was learned: Kettle bells are a unique item and competing to become YHC’s favorite! Thank you Hell’s Bells for calling YHC! Disco Duck was awesome to work with; from work out plan to remembering the plan (a time or two)… Big thanks to Frisco trusting me with his watch to help stay on track! We made it through and YHC loved every minute of it. It is quite a view from inside out.. then looking it from outside in.. So much so, that YHC out loud committed to Q’ing once a month.. bring it on baby.….

See also