Long. Hard. 11

Short. Sweet and to the point.

Start with the Pledge.

Warm Up:

Bear Crawl the circle then…

Mosey to the satelite parking lot for…

Windmills IC

Good Mornings IC

Side Straddle Hops IC

Break into 2 groups “slow and fast” for

Indian Run to the bottom of the ramp leading up to the bridge.

The Thang:


1-Jump Squat at bottom of the Bridge Ramp

Run across the Bridge to the other side

10-Hand Release Muricans at the other bottom of the Bridge Ramp

At the midway point of the bridge always do

1 - Burpee

Audible called at 6:05

Regroup and Indian Run back to the flag

1 more Bear Crawl around the circle

Finish with…




See Slack for more info - TCP Big Yard Day


Prayers and Praises were spoken.

YHC lead us out in prayer.

Great group this morning. Not much mumble chatter but a lot of focus on getting work done.

See also