Living 3rd

There was a PAX named Box who was also present.

This was my third Q and no where near the anxiety. So much more fun. So…

With No FNGs present, our great flag flapped to our Pledge and off we went in a slow jog. Mumble chatter was immediate, as expected and got me to thinking about Burp & Merks. Unexpectedly for all we stopped for a few on our way to warmup.

The Burp & Merk was a bit complicated for some but we got the hang of it to a pyramid up to 5 and back down again, sort of. Note to self - that one needs more practice. Onwards towards warm up and we suddenly found ourselves stopping for another round of Burp & Merks. But THIS TIME a pyramid to 5 and back down was more or less successful.

Warm up: SSHs, Good Mornings & Calf Stretch

THANG 1: Hi rep BLIMPS started in the parking lot: From parking island to the next one….Burpees, Lunges, Imperial Walkers, Merkins, Plank Jacks, Squats… x2 rounds. Always wait for the 6 with Al Gores. The mumble chatter was intense but not distracting for YHC. But time was passing FAST and I had to take evasive action by dropping 1 round.

THANG 2: A circuit…of sorts…using the fountain area ramps, stairs and breezeways. The circuit had 6 stops. We did the same exercise at each station for that circuit. Circuit one - 25 LBCs at each stop with quick pace to next station. Finish the circuit, wait for the 6 with more Al Gore, pulsing. Next curcuit - 15 Peter Parker Merkins each station. But alas, YHC noted that the clock doesn’t slow for the weary. Audible called (but not heard by all - my bad)to reduce to 5 per station.

COT was fast approaching and so we quickstepped up 2 flights, back down, and back to COT.

Mary: Iron Cross Dollies, Superman’s and 100s to finish us off. Some HIM were noted to be relieved.

Announcements: 3rd F Escalator (Across the street at Chick Fil A within minutes & led by Hi-Liter bringing us into Proverbs 6), Double Maynard coming up - check slack.

Praises and Prayers: for Cataracts’ healing, for all our families and friends in need of healing on our hearts and unspoken, for our soldiers protecting us here and around the world.

ELBOW LOCK to bring in the Holy Spirit around us, in us, we are blessed for every day, for our families that support us. And a reminder to Live 3rd.

Lessons learned - get better at verbally queuing up each exercise, especially the ones that are OYO or in circuit, remember to gather the 6. Learned about Q school - sounds like even more fun and to b a btr Q for the fellas.

See also