Lion's Den Official Launch

Eighteen PAX braved the unusually chilly March morning to join Red Ryder and Sour Mash in the launch of Lion’s Den at St. Mary Magdalene. The allure of bacon drew PAX from the far reaches of Carpex, including North Cary and even Raleigh.


  • Mosey around the parking lot, backwards run, karaoke left/right, circle-up.
  • SSH, GM, Plank Jacks, Control Freak Merkins

The Thang:

  • Partner-up
    • Burp Back Mountain (100 burpees)
      • one partner runs backwards up hill/stairs while other does burpees
    • Apple turnover (100 star jumps)
      • partner 1 - bear crawl 2 spaces, crab walk 3 spaces
      • partner 2 - star jumps
    • Apple turnover (200 CDDs)
      • partner 1 - bear crawl 4 spaces, crab walk 4 spaces
      • partner 2 - CDDs
    • Recover on mosey w/ little Indian run for fun
    • One partner does merkins, other runs around courtyard/stairs. Repeat for AH and Squats.
    • Mosey around building.
    • One partner does BTTW, other runs around pickle.


  • LBCs, Box Cutters, Have a Nice Day


  • Sooey’s quick recovery so he can resume running with the PAX.
  • Kubota and M making good progress on growing their family.

YHC took us out. JP provided the group selfie!

RR and YHC appreciate your support as we launch the new site in Apex. Hope to see you soon, in the gloom!

See also