Lions and tires and bars, oh my!

It’d been a hot minute since YHC had Q’d something besides EC broga (Fridays 0515 @Dante’s Peak) so a limited run AO seemed like the perfect way to ease back into things. Plus I found out at my last Hell’s Bells post that we had not 1 but 3 tires tucked away onsite, so an idea was formed…possibly one better left as an idea, but more on that later.


  • Good morning, on up & down, x5
  • TIE Fighters Fwd, Seal claps, TIE Fighters Rev, OH claps IC x10 each
  • Low squat hold and side-to-side toe taps, IC x10…not sure if this move has a name, what about a Penguin squat?
  • Merkins x40 (merkin challenge plus 1 just because)
  • Shoulder and arm stretch

Thang 1 - Lions and Tires

We had 3 tires to use, which YHC was kind enough to shake the water out of during the demonstration of each exercise.

  • Deadlift farmer walks
  • Double-hop plus flip
  • Partner pushes, alternate with partner rolls

Those unlucky enough not to be doing a tire exercise cycled through:

  • Lion Kings with kettlebell
  • Donkey kicks
  • Reverse lunge with kettlebell overhead hold
  • Zebra kicks

Each exercise was done AMRAP about 2 minutes.

Thang 2 - Lions and Bars

Again, we had 3 bars. Somewhat to my surprise, bars were not as beloved as the tires.

  • Hanging knee raises
  • Aussie or regular pullups
  • Hanging tucked knee clock crunches

As we waited for a free bar, cycle through:

  • Lion Kings with kettlebells again
  • Burpees
  • Haloes plus tricep extensions with kettlebells
  • Inchworm into Makhtar N’Diayes

Again, each exercise was done AMRAP about 2 minutes.

Regroup thang

We hadn’t done anything together as a group since the warmup, so close with:

  • Kettlebell Zombie walk down the lot
  • Murder bunnies to return back


  • LBCs with KB, IC 12-count.
  • American hammers with KB, IC 12-count.
  • Homer-to-Marge with KB, IC 12-count.
  • Twiddle-cut, 1 min.


Countarama: 9 pax, hate-meh-respect’s all well represented.

73 and 97% humidity, overcast but no rain. Fairly terrible sleep as self-reported by at least one-third of the Pax.

Announcements: Lots of initiatives going on, across all three F’s as well as some of the nearby regions like Raleigh’s June 19th event. Keep an eye on Slack for more details.

Prayers & praises: Praises for Yogi’s newborn granddaughter, son, and mother. Praises for Sega’s birthday. Prayers for Ashbury’s travel. Prayers for Saban, Sooey, and e-Trade’s family situations.

Enjoyed the trunk coffee & 2nd F afterwards. Got to meet some local legends and catch up with people I hadn’t talked to in a while.


YHC thought going into this Q that it would be a bit messy to execute, which is where the oh my! part of this backblast’s title comes in. However, these workouts are also good places to try something new (like lions and tires and bars).

So to close off this backblast, some humble Q school lessons learned are:

  • Limit the amount of exercises going on at the same time. Unless you want chaos.
  • Limited equipment requires a bit more grouping, but still reduce the amount of things going on if possible. Maybe just have everyone do one thing with the equipment, the others something else, and then switch out at once (instead of rotating through one at a time).
  • Remind people what to do, check form the first few times to make sure they understood what you meant or demo’d, and ask Pax to help. Accountability!
  • Call something everyone can do together to reset if things start getting off track. Burpees are always in play.
  • Stopping at numbers that are not multiples of 5 is a nice way to push people a little extra in Mary, but don’t get carried away. You can only call 39 merkins so many times in one Q.

See also