Limited Run Spartan Training (#2)

QIC: Parker

AO: Tortoises (5/15/19)

Yep, Build-a-Bear is still in my head about the grip strength for this Spartan Super in July.  Having the Tortoises Q, YHC knew there were plenty of options to work on some upper body and grip strength at the loveliest AO in central Apex on a Wednesday.  So let’s get after it!

Warm up: Mosey about 500 feet and circle up.  Even that was too far for Frisco, of course chanting the standard “I thought this was a limited run AO!".  Don’t worry Frisco, my tasty Hardee’s Breakfast Sandwich friend.  Soon you might wish you were running. :)

Circle up for 20 x SSH, 10 Fazio forward IC (Kerrigan right leg), 10 Fazio reverse IC (Kerrigan left leg), 10 overhead clap IC, 5 seal clap IC…hold it…5 Fazio forward IC, 5 Fazio reverse IC, 5 OHC IC, 5 Seal clap IC…recover.  Right calf stretch 10 count, 5 merkins, Left calf strech 10 count, 10 merkins.  Right/Left Runners stretch, 10 count each.  20 Imperial walkers.

Thang 1:  Mosey to the dumpster area to get some cinder blocks.  Public Service Announcement: Cinder blocks at Tortoise need replenishing…there are only 9 remaining.  Bring out 8 cinder blocks, 12 cores.  Break up into three groups:

Station 1: Carry a cinder block in each hand, the length of the parking lot (up to the church from the dumpster) and back.

Station 2: Carry a cement core in each hand, length of the parking lot and back (first cycle hold cores overhead, 2nd cycle perform 90/90 carry, 3rd cycle perform flexed bicep carry).

Station 3: Hold standard plank with feet on the cement core, laid flat.  Yes, it wants to roll.  (that’s the idea)

Everybody rotates through each station 3 times!  Carrying two cinderblocks makes the parking lot seem longer.  And it made Frisco wish he was running.

Thang 2:  Grab our coupons and head to the pull-up bars.  This time, four stations:

Station 1: Bicep curl, using a cement core.  10 reps in cadence.  These guys are keeping ’time’ for all the groups…when the bicep curl group is done, everybody rotate stations.

Station 2: Sumo squat with a cinder block, AMRAP.

Station 3: Five pull-ups, then hang from the bar.  Do not drop until the ‘Station 1’ guys say ‘recover’.

Station 4: Overhead press with a cinder block, AMRAP.

Again, everybody rotates through each station 3 times!

Mosey to return the coupons and a quick Mary.  We covered just over a mile, but most of it was walking while carrying heavy stuff.

MARY: Dying cockroach x 20 IC; Prisoner Superman x 10 IC (HOLD!) + 10 IC (HOLD!); Freddy Merc x 20 IC, Slow count boxcutter x 15 IC.


Memorial Day convergence Murph, May 31 100 PAX, Welcome back into the gloom @Matador and @Dust Bowl

See also