Limited Run or No Run

Earhart and I did some EC and arrived 8 minutes early to scout the potential equipment/locations to mix up the Q site.  Pull up bars…Not really   Ball Frenzy Pit….Maybe we could us   Weird retaining pond hill….Definitely  Nothing too earth shattering but many small obstacles that could be incorporated to get a good lather going.  Imagination will be the key to unlocking the potential this site has when you look at all angles. (Its large enough)  More to come later in the back blast.

When contemplating the Q at the Tortoises you need to put yourself in the least run favored PAX member to get an idea of the mumble chatter that will pursue.  No one gave any grief today when I started us out on the journey.  There was some talk about the F3 site giving this site a “no run” status icon, although it is really a limited run workout.  I thought Yogi hacked into the system to f*** with us.

Grinch and Texas Ranger both arrived 2 minutes to spare and we exchanged the usual pleasantries and were off.

Warm up

  • Bean Pickers - 10 IC  (Got roused early for calling it that instead of cotton pickers)
  • WWII Situps - 25
  • One leg straight Homer to Marge IC
  • Imperial Walkers IC


  1. Indian Run to Moore Street and choose a large rock in the ditch
  2. 7’s up Moore Street Hill from the lowest street light to the next pole halfway up the hill
    • Carolina Dry Docks at the top
    • Rock Squats at the bottom
  3. Mosey to the Ball Frenzy pit (Cock Fighting Ring for kids where they use kickballs?) and do plank walks around the perimeter of the wall stopping every 20 feet to do derkins and then irkins
  4. Paint the Lines on 25 parking spaces
    • Jump Lunges (both legs equals 1 line)
    • Repeat with Imperial Walkers -3x at each line
  5. Wimpie Legs (F3 ENC trademark)
    • Jump Squats till failure
    • Jump Lunges till failure
    • Mule Kicks till failure
    • Rinse and repeat 3 times (Some chatter)
  6. Far end of parking lot has some white posts that are about 12 yard apart, so we did this
    • Bear crawl to the first post, then do one Burpee
    • Bunny hop the next post, then do one Burpee
    • Repeat until all the way to the other end of the parking lot
  7. Mary
    • J-Lo, WWII, Flutter Kicks, etc.


Picnic for F3 and Churham convergence  (May 6th, I think)


Texas Ranger does a great job with providing concise, relevant, and all encompassing prayers.  Thanks for a good end to the workout T-Range.


YHC Freebird

See also