Limited Run, Not Limited Fun

Claymore is one of the tougher AOs I’ve had the pleasure of Q’ing. I’m slowly but surely trying to make my way around to all the AOs. I naturally gravitate towards running, and find it a nice reprieve between the reps of misery (merkins, burpIEs, etc.), but as Claymore is “limited run”, I had to fill the time with reps on reps on reps. That’s a lot of counting for this ol’ boy.

5:38 - 3 Pax in the parking lot. Crap, I’ve scared them away again.
5:40 - …they start rolling in. Game on.

5:45 - No FNGs. Pledged Allegiance to our great country.

Motivators (Sooey and I learned this gem while DR visiting F3 St. Louis)
Good Mornings
Hamstring stretch, left, center, right

Thang: 1
Mosey to the small parkinglot and partner up with someone you dont like
100 curb hop burpees total for the team (split however you want 50/50, 60/40, etc.)

Thang: 2
Mini 7’s across the short side of the parking lot.
-Prisoner squats at one end, Mickey Mouse Merkins at the other end. Bear crawl each way. This IS limited run, right?! RIGHT! Are we having fun yet?! These sucked.

Mini Thang: 3 (to fill the time as we finished the burpees faster than I thought we would! T-CEPS to the PAX for beasting it!)
Mosey to the pic-i-nic tables for a round of da dips, left-right stepups, urkins.

Back to the flag for Mary.
-Freddy Mercury
-A few rounds of PAX-led Mary
-Asked Frisco for a 10-count (break) but he gave us a 10-count Mary instead. True #HIM!
-Absolution (8-count exercise which includes a Groiner, Makhtar N’ Diayes, Chilly Jack). Per the holy Exicon, this is the solution to flabby abs and a reason to beg absolution for your sins.
-Modified Bear Crawl Circle of Fire - Pax circle up in plank position facing outwards. One by one, Pax bear crawls around the circle back to their starting position. Complete 1 merkin each time someone crawls past you.
-As Q was sufficiently smoked, last exercise is: Have a nice day

Count-a-rama: 10
Name-a-rama (see above)

- Carpex Dad’s - How How is the new site-Q! Next workout is THIS Saturday (10/19) from 9am to 10am at Bond Park in Cary. See Slack channel for deets.
- Haven House Raffle (Burt’s Beach House) - Thursday 10/17 - 7pm’ish @ Bond Brothers - Contact: Burt
-HARD Launch - Dazed & Confused - Friday, 10/18 - 5:30 @ Apex High School. It’d be a lot cooler if you did (come)

Prayers / Praises: HGTV’s dad who is apparently a total badass, is going through some health issues. Lift him up brothers!

YHC took us out with an oxygen-starved jumbled comedy of errors!

See also