Limited Run Does Not Mean Limited Merkins

Fresh off my first merlot induction at BO, YHC accepted the challenge to deliver a tough workout at the great AO, Tortoises. With little buzz and marketing, 20 other HIM wanted to see as well. Or maybe it was the EC Pull-Ups. Yeah, probably the ECPs. Also, there were another 5 who joined in for the traveling IR Bruisers AO for a total of 26. Add in the 3 young men shooting ball, and the place was poppin’!  Here’s what happened:


15 men showed up at 5:10ish for 10 sets of pull-ups. The Doors provided our music courtesy of Rooney.

Warm-Up - Converged Tortoises and Bruisers

Jog over to the front pickle for 1½ trips around before circling up for:

  • 20 x SSH IC
  • 40 Merkins OMD
  • 40 LBCs OMU
  • 30 Merkins OMD
  • 30 Squats OMD
  • 20 Merkins OMD
  • 20 LBCs OMU
  • 10 Merkins OMD
  • 10 Squats OMU

You’ll thank me later

The Thang - Tortoises. Bruisers can write their own BB!

Jog over to the basketball goal and group up into teams of 3

  • Partner 1 - Run down to the pull-up bars for 7 Pull-Up Burpees (it’s what it sounds like). Run back to the basketball goal. Squat Hold, Plank-a-rama, or LBCs as called.
  • Partner 2 - Run to the shed, do 7 Squats. Run back to the basketball goal. Squat Hold, Plank-a-rama, or LBCs as called.
  • Partner 3 - Run around to the bottom of the hill, run up the hill, and do 7 x Worst Merkins Ever. Run back to the basketball goal. Squat Hold, Plank-a-rama, or LBCs as called.
  • Rotate until all 3 team members have done all 3 activities.

Repeato with 5 reps Repeato with 3 reps

Jog over to shed and grab a cinder block per team. Partner 1 does alternating sets of 10 curls and 10 overhead presses while P2 and P3 run the main pickle. Then trade off to P2 while P1 and P3 run. Trade off to P3 while P1 and P2 run. Repeato. Put the blocks back and jog back over to the basketball goal and circle up on your 6 for

Mary - Bruisers and Tortoises re-converged

  • 10 x Box Cutters IC. Hold it!
  • 10 x Low Slow Flutters IC. Hold it!
  • 10 x Hello Dollys IC. Hold it!
  • 10 x Heels to Heaven IC. Hold it!
  • 10 x Dying Cockroaches IC. Recover.
  • Have a Nice Day


Count-a-rama: 26 Combined (21 Tortoises, 5 Bruisers) Name-a-rama: 7 RESPECTS, 2 Hates, 17 mehs Announcements: CarPex 5 year anniversary convergence at DZ on 8/31, 9/11 stair climb at Carter-Finley Prayers/Praises: DD’s M, Kelly; Ascot’s M’s successful ultrasound (it’s a girl!); Intimidator’s daughter going back to school for Sophomore year BOM: YHC took us out in prayer


  • Once again, YHC was humbled just to be around such a fine group of men. To lead was just icing on the cake. Thanks for following.
  • Welcome to FNG “Maaco” (he works at Caliber Collision)
  • Alas, there was no merlot spilled today. But we got cut!
  • ECPs are a regular and growing thing on Mondays (Hell’s Bells), Wednesdays (Tortoises), and Fridays (Dante’s Peak.)
  • 15 men came out to get stronger with pull-ups this morning alone. If you haven’t done it, come on out!
  • There might be one day an ECP at A-Team if you can find the pull-up bars.
  • 21 for Tortoises. That has to be a record, right? And that is without regulars Freebird and Earhart.
  • 100 Merkins during Warm-Ups? Yeah we did.

See also