Date August 14, 2018 QIC: Frisco AO: BRUISERS AT FULL METAL JACKET Pax: Disco Duck, Earhart, Freebird, Frisco, Pet Sounds, Red Ryder, Sooey, Traffic Cone, WWW

Word Count: 550



- 9 HIMs wisely stayed back for an IR workout sensing pain sticks in the other PAXs’ future

- Only 11.2% of PAX came away more injured than they started (darkness + grass + Pet Sounds = fire ants) so AO Bruisers was considered a statistical success

- It’s a bad sign for the Q when the PAX pull out pre-prepared mumble-chatter weinkies

The Warm Up

- Pledge of Allegiance at the Flag with FMJ PAX

- Good Mornings

- Merkins

- Cherry Pickers

- Sir Fazio Arm Circles

- Leg-over-leg stretches

- Rebel Rednecks (pretend to call Imperial Walkers but do Hillbillies to keep the PAX on their toes (Qs never make a mistake)

The Thang 1:

- Lunge Walk toward the new playground

- Upside Down LBCs (on the hill facing up)

- Australian Pull-Ups on the path railings

- Grab coupons at the small inlet (frogs not happy)

- Circle up for some rock work

- Rock Around the Clock (Curls/overheads w/ rock then merkins for hands of the clock, 1 at 1 o’clock, shift, 2 at 2 o’clock…)

- Partner rock work with LBCs

- Hi-Liter’s Alarm Clock (lay on the ground, reach right to hit the snooze, reach left to hit the snooze…) then added rocks to the stretch to really pound that snooze button down

The Thang 2:

- Bear Crawl / Lunge Walk up the switchback sidewalk to the upper parking lot (and overpowering garbage bins)

- Really, really fast bear crawl / lunge walk down the switch back away from stinky garbage

- Pull-ups at the playground (Sooey did some weird monkey pull-up in defiance)

- Australian pull-ups on the way back for Mary


- 4 headed out to put unnecessary strain on Disco Duck’s injured ankle with a short run

- 5 stayed back for Pet Sounds’ fire ant revenge: Carolina Dry Docks

- 4 returned for PAX-called Mary.  Traffic Cone punished the PAX with slooooooow American Hammers



- 9/11: stair climb at Carter-Fin stadium and FMJ will also be on for non-stair climbers as well


- Not much to say since I am the strong, silent type…

- This was only YHC’s 2nd Q but it is an honor to cut my teeth with (on?) this group of HIMs. If you are going to call Rebel Rednecks this is the group to do it in. All you HIMs inspire me to be a better man! :)

- T-claps to Callahan who brought me a book to help me improve my relationship with my M and gave me a homework assignment yesterday. Also to Disco Duck for holding me accountable this morning.

- After asking on Slack for prayers for troubles I am having in that space I felt a little foolish and exposed. But in the half-light of the Gloom I realized that the COT doesn’t stop after we leave. Admitting a concern / weakness in COT both allows our brothers to provide support and then to hold us accountable to get stronger to deal with that weakness.

- LIMs wallow in the mud and try to pull others down into it. HIMs push to get out so that they can turn around and extend a hand to pull help a brother out of it.

- Very very inspired by Traffic Cone. He pushes to failure then gets up a second later and pushes some more. (He’s like Red Ryder only nicer).