Lexicon M&M,N,O

14 started in the gloom at Flying Circus. 13 ended. Our brother Swag rolled his ankle during the cross country trek through the mulch. A root took him down. Thanks to Gump for his swift action and emergency driving to get Swag back to his car and on his way home. Nobody dressed up for today - except your Q as a blue M&M for Lexicon MNO…well M&N, no O.


  • Mosey
  • 10 Monkey Humpers
  • 10 Mtn Climbers
  • 15 Mtn Man Poopers
  • 15 Moroccan Night Clubs

Thang 1

  • Mosey up the three flights of stairs and over to the track
  • Merkin Ladder on the track. At each end of the straight side, we performed descending count Merkins starting at 20 and ending at 10. 165 Merkins in total.

Thang 2

  • No Mercy 1/2 Mile. Lunge walk around curve of track, 25 SSH in middle of straight, lunge around the other curve, 25 squats on back straight. modified for time on second loop - no lunges.


  • 15 Never Cross Dolly
  • 15 Nipple Touches

See also