Lexicon JKL

Coldest morning of the week, 42 degrees in the gloom…..17 PAX came out for the Exicon J-K-L…2 had a good excuse…1 did not…you know who you are…

Warm Up

  • Jog, Low&Slow Good Mornings (yes, I cheated a bit on that one) and Jumping Jack Burpee Flash (10 Jumping Jacks & 10 burpees)

Thang 1

  • Run up and down staircase, jog around the track & over to play ground
  • Jumping Jack Burpee Flash Pull Ups (10 Jumping Jacks, 10 Burpees, 10 pull-ups)
  • Repeato twice
  • Jog over to the big track

Thang 2

  • While jogging a lap around the track, stop at each corner to perform the following:
    • 10 - Jump Squats
    • 10 - Knerkins
    • 10 - LBCs
    • 10 - Lunges (in place)
  • Repeat, by adding 10 of each on each lap. Repeat for 4 laps. Up to 40 of each exercise.


  • 20 - LBCs

See also