Letting Go at Slippery When Wet

After two and a half years of posting, YHC finally got around to Q’ing. It was a glorious day for a VQ as the feel of fall was in the air and the PAX were in a jovial mood. We had 22 PAX in attendance (including 1 doing the IronPAX) and there were no FNGs. We started with the pledge and then ran to the playground-facing lot for a warm up as it was the only lit area in the entire AO beyond the bathrooms.


  • Good Mornings
  • Standard Merkins
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Sir Fazios
  • Sir Fazios Reverse
  • Quick Feet

Next we counted off in 1’s and 2’s and ran down Lochmere Drive and up Kildaire to the corner of Crescent Green where we engaged in LBCs while waiting for the six.  We then finished the run to the Crescent Commons office park. 

The Thang:  1’s took the west building and 2’s took the east building as their pickle.  Everyone either lunge walked or bear crawled the straightaway and then ran up and down the stairwell.  Run around your assigned building, stopping at the back to do 10 star jumps and the bottom of the building for 10 American hammers on the 4 count.  After 3 times around the pickle, planked out while waiting for the six.  We then lined up in two lines for an indian run back to the flag. 

Wrap up/Mary:  Upon reconvening at the flag, we engaged in LBCs, WWIIs, and Boat/Canoe.

We wrapped up with counting, names, and a reading from 1 Thessalonians 5:15 to remind us to let go and not carry grudges or baggage:

Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always strive to do what is good for each other and for everyone else.

Announcements: The Odyssey and BBQ on 10/5 and the Mabopane-benefitting golf tournament on 10/7. The American Heart Association walk at PNC is 9/22. 

The only prayer request was for Greenbow’s 2.0 who continues to deal with migraine headaches. YHC took us out with a prayer of thanks. Thank you to all of you gents for your friendship, dedication, and hard work.  We are all better for having one another to lean on and push each other to show up and strive for continuous improvement in every aspect of life.

See also