Let’s Win One For the Oofda

A few weeks back the Peak City Nan’tan politely remarked to the PC site Qs that we were a little “light” on our Q sheets. (And by “politely” I mean in the style of Gunnery Sergeant Hartman from Full Metal Jacket). Not wanting to get any further into the Nan’tan’s bad graces, I reached out to a number of PC PAX. Unfortunately, it’s been slim pickens since we changed Hells Bells to a greased Kettlebell workout (our Injury Recovery AOs needed better attendance).

Finding the barrel dry, I reached out to the few Carpeckers I didn’t owe any money to or weren’t Oofda. That was basically Pierogi. (Fun fact: Most people don’t know Pierogi and I knew each other from before F3. We met at a convention where people dress up like fury…well it’s not really pertinent here)

Pierogi, capitalist that he is, offered to trade Qs: Him at Hells Bells, me at something called 005. The last time I saw Pierogi he had been a broken man suffering from a long term allergy to artificial lion mane fur. I surmised 005 had to be some sort of out-to-pasture AO for PAX past their prime. I chose the day after Halloween figuring all those broken old fatties would be too bloated to give me a real challenge as a Q. Plus I would probably get to see my friend Burt there.

On the day of my 005 Q, as the PAX began rolling in, I realized that I had made a terrible mistake. It was like those memes where a bunch of body builders are on stage but one is a short, flabby guy who looks like he has wandered up there on accident or maybe lost a bet.

But the pride of Peak City was on the line and we are trained for situations just like this. I stepped forward and said confidently “Hi, I’m Ma Bell, your Q today.”

There were some confused looks around the circle. Pierogi started to say something then just sighed and shrugged. Oofda, that SOB, started to open his mouth to speak but I held up a hand.

“Don’t even start with me, Oofda,” I said.

“I’m not Oofda, I’m Chanti—“

I had had enough. Like I was going to let some jerk pretend to be someone else at my Q. I turned on my heel and took off at top speed towards the Bond Park shelters.

“Try to keep up, you lazy Carpeckers!” I yelled behind me, laughing.

After about 5 steps they passed me. Out of pity a few of them tried to run slower but when that didn’t work they started doing backwards bear craws. I heard that gangly-armed SOB Oofda mutter “Wow, our former Nan’tan has really let himself go.” I was totally offended on Ma Bell’s behalf.

Apparently the shelters are about 500 miles from the shovel flag so after about 7 hours of running we arrived at the shelter parking lot and circled up for warm ups.

Warm Up:

I don’t actually remember what we did. I was light headed from all the oxygen Pierogi was administering to me after the run. (Ma Bell apparently HAD let himself go more than I realized)

Thang 1:

There are 3 parking rows in the shelter parking. Pair up in groups of 3. Each PAX from a team run a separate row. At the end of the row complete an exercise then run back to the shelter.

L/R Step ups while waiting for all partners to get back. Last partner back calls 20 of an exercise and then partners rotate to the next row.

1st row: 10 Burpees

2nd row: 25 merkins

3rd row: 50 squats

(Confusing? What do you expect. It’s a Ma Bell Q.)

Thang 2:

Oddly it actually seemed to wear the PAX out. Maybe because those idiots were doing all the reps while I scanned for Pokémon on my phone. Ma Bell was never known for his creativity so for Thang 2: same exercises but double the reps and swap R/L step ups for dirkins or irkins.

The Long Road Home:

During both Thangs, that knock-kneed, gangly-armed SOB Oofda kept insisting his F3 name was Chanticleer. I reminded him that impersonating other people was a sign of low character. He spluttered something but Ma Bell wasn’t having any of that no siree Bob!!

To deal with this mutiny I switched tactics for the run back to the flag.

“We’re doing ‘Pick Up the Ma Bell’ on the way back. All-You-Got runs to the next light post and do some horrible exercise until the 6 catches up. We’ll do that at every other light post until we get back to the shovel flag.”

That two-bit, knock-kneed, gangly-armed SOB Oofda started to protest but I immediately shut him down.

“Ma Bell doesn’t like complainers, POOFda. Oh, I’m sorry, you want to go by Chantyclaws now. I forgot. Move it, Poofda!!”

He was near tears now, but complied. I considered running after him and giving him a well deserved kick to the butt but then remembered how out of shape Ma Bell was.


I outsourced it to the other PAX. I felt a little ashamed when I heard someone mutter “That Ma Bell is a real D-Bag.” But I reasoned it’s better they find out now rather than after they got their F3 tramp stamp like the rest of us.


There was an announcement but it sounded like Carpecker business so I didn’t listen and just muttered loudly, “you’d never see that on Ma Bell’s watch”. Hopefully it was nothing good. Regulator took us out with a prayer. (I have never heard anyone pray that they would forget a Q before. Ma Bell is really past his prime.)


I am known as a man of few words. Most of them too big for that lily-livered, two-bit, knock-kneed, gangly-armed SOB Oofda to understand. But it was really great to be back in Carpex. I saw a lot of familiar faces as SNS was gathering. It was like going to my 10 year high school reunion but everyone was a dude and had aged way slower than me. Still it was good to see some friends I haven’t connected with in a while. But I’m not coming while that pipsqueak, lily-livered, two-bit, knock-kneed, gangly-armed SOB, Nickleback-loving, onomatopoeia-using Oofda is still posting.


See also