Lets see what sticks...

YHC had not Q’d since we sent the guys to Peru so I was long overdue. A cool and clear spring morning brought strong numbers out to Salem Elementary.  EC guys rolled in with a minute to spare and after a piecemeal disclaimer we began.

Warm Up

Good Mornings


Sixty Second Arm Circles (Check out the exicon, I think I did them justice but confusion ensued!)

Sprinkler (Another exicon gem, looked more like a Heisman pose or awkward prom dance move)

Thang 1 - Mosey over the the playground for thing 1 for a small circuit workout.

Dips on the playground table and assorted objects

“Tunnel” Pull Ups

L/R Step Ups on the picnic table

X-Cross Sit Up (10) (a mix between a dying cockroach and a star jump)

Thang 2 - Indian Run over to the football field to learn that it’s not lined in the 10yd increments I was hoping for.  We cross the field in 10 yard increments inflating and then deflating BLIMPS

B 1 Burpee

L 10 Lunges (Each side)

I 20 Imperial Walkers

M 30 Merkins

P 40 Plank Jacks

S 50 Squats

P 40 Plank Jacks

M 30 Merkins

I 20 Imperial Walkers

L 10 Lunges

B 1 Burpee


Dying Cockroach

American Hammers


Have a Nice Day


Big thanks to Prodigal for counting out the last half of the 100s. You’d of thought I’d learn from last time!

Did Claymore really run more mileage than FMJ today?  YHC will not it happen again! My 2.0 told me to just have everyone run around the school 12 times.  Next time I’ll listen to him.

It’s not easy to express how much this group has meant to me.  Seeing other people live it out has stretched me to become a better father and husband, a more active participant in the community and overall less self centered person.  A year ago I would have been happy just to be able to run again but this exceeds anything I could have hoped for. THANK YOU


Crazy Train - June 8th - 7:30am - Train Leaves Cary Station 8:08am

Green Mile - Soft Launch June 15th - 90 minute bootcamp from 0600-0730

Carying Place - June 9th?


Hello Kitty - Offer in on a house!

See also