Let's Inflate a Blimp (learning to count)

Back in the F3 game after three weeks of work travel, holiday feasts and the not-so-occasional Fartsack, YHC and 13 other HIM’s rallied this Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day to inflate a Blimp. Or so we tried (there was a disclaimer that the Q, regardless of all attempts at mathematical education and related engineering training, often loses count).

EC preceded the workout with Denali, Joe Smith and YHC for 3 miles around Symphony Lake on a fellowship pace (to avoid losing YHC, sluggish with a touch of a snotty nose…), with a much appreciated last-mile intercept by the ever-dependable Term Paper.


Circle up. Good Mornings, SSH’s, Windmills.  Let’s go.

Thang 1: Inflate the Blimp

Mosey up the hill to Lochmere Pavilion, 5 Burpees OYO at each of 3 light poles. Circle up for instructions on how to inflate a Blimp…

BLIMPS: 1 Burpee, 2 Lunges (each leg), 3 Imperial Walkers (4 count), 4 Merkins, 5 Plank Jacks (4 count), 6 Squats.  Work that into three stations around the Pavilion.

Repeato, 4 more times, up to 5, 10, 15, 20, 35, 30 each (the math works, or at least it’s supposed to).

Q held back for the six to and work out some issues… tapping Term Paper to lead Thang 2:

Thang 2: Sevens

Term Paper called sevens on the hill: Hand Release Merkins & American Hammer.  Q rejoins after solving a cramp… mosey to the park.

Thang 3: Sprints to Mary

Line up, sprint at 9/10’s pace to the end, touch and return. Repeato. Much PAX chatter was generated by the 9/10’s call btw…


Box Cutters x 20, hold it… Low Slow Flutters x 20. PAX called Boat Canoe (a crowd favorite) & Dying Cockroach until Smokey called TIME!.  Have a Nice Day.


Prayers for Raleigh F3 Brother (don’t have correct spelling, starts with A) who is recovering from a serious motorcycle accident.  Prayers for Joe Smith’s family who is expecting 2.1.

Count-a-rama: 14 (3 respects); no FNG’s
Name-a-rama:  YHC Bayonne, Adjacent, Joe Smith, Meatloaf, Ashbury, Blue Water  (respect), Staubach, Shank, Denali, Term Paper (respect), Smokey (respect), OOFTA, Riptide, Grease Monkey

Shout out to Milton Bradley who posted, but checked out to stave off a sore throat - feel better…

YHC took us out.  Thank you men for trusting in me to lead today. 

Coffee with OOFTA Followed.


rayers / Praises:

See also