Let There Be Light

12 warriors entered the gloomiest of all mornings - 75 degrees, a million percent humidity, and no light. With 5 minutes til launch time, there was plenty of time to catch up on the Odyssey goings on. Trying to talk to everyone with all those headlamps glaring at you is not easy. At 0545 we got going.


Circle up for 20 x SSH, then follow me out of the park where there is actually light, up Davis and across to the Davis Drive Middle parking lot to continue the warm-up with Sir Fazio Arm Circles, Plank Jacks, Mountain Climbers and, of course, Merkins.

The Thang

A version of the double 11 around the circular parking lot. On the way out do LBCs at the bump-outs and far end, then lunge jumps on the way back at the bump-outs and near end. Start with 10 LBCs on the way out and 1 lunge jump on the way back, then 9 and 2, etc. Plank-a-rama when done.

Mosey over to circular drive and grab some curb for

  • 20 x LBDs (little baby dips)
  • 20 x Quick Feet
  • 20 x Irkins
  • 15 x LBDs
  • 15 x Quick Feet
  • 15 x Irkins

Jog back out to Davis Drive and down to the park for - hey, what do you know - 6 minutes of Mary. I love it when a plan comes together. The fun included Flutter kicks, Big Boy Sit-Ups, Freddy Mercuries, Hello Dollys, American Hammers and, of course, Standard Merkins.


Count-a-rama: 12 studs Name-a-rama: 3 RESPECTS, 1 hate, 8 mehs Announcements: K2C registration begins this week; Crick Triple down on 10/14 at 0615, 1 day left to donate to the Haven House and enter yourself for the drawing this evening at BB; Christmas Party at BB on 12/14 Prayers/Praises: Hi-Liter’s dad; Chavaux son; Sullivan mom; others BOM: Hi-Liter graciously led us in prayer


  • Merkin Count = a paltry 75. The goal was to get some leg work in.
  • YHC gave the PAX the opportunity to choose the exercises for the 11’s. They didn’t choose merkins. Remember the 9/11 talk about doing the hard thing? tsk tsk
  • That park is too dark for me bruh. That’s why we traveled out. Mills Park Middle has a lot of other stuff we didn’t explore - including pull-up bars! Looking forward to exploring more of the immediate area.
  • Thanks for showing up to work and making each other stronger. It was my honor to lead.

See also