Leg Day at Back in Black

Where did this cold weather come from????? I much prefer the 47-55 degree band and look forward to getting back there! Several Pax know I somewhat regularly hit the gym after F3, and today was supposed to be leg day in the gym. My original plan was to hit F3, then go lift. Unfortunately, I’m slammed with all-day meetings and did not finish my presentation yesterday, so I need the time to do that. Hmmmm, what to do…… EC Run with Repeato and Ma Bell, then utilize the F3 workout as “Leg Day.” Selfish? Maybe. But this is the privilege of being the Q!!

Eight HIMs braved the cold to see what was in store for them at 5:15 this morning! After the EC, we started with the pledge, and then:

  • Mosey to the Large Koka Booth Parking Lot and Circle Up
  • 25 SSH
  • 20 Imperial Walkers
  • 10 Good Mornings
  • 40 Merkins
  • Run the long way around the lot and back to the flag to grab the Cinder Blocks / CMU’s
  • Return to the large parking lot

The Main Event

  • All-You-Got Sprint two light poles (100’ish yds) and mosey back
    • Here YHC called LBC to help catch our breath, but it didn’t work well
    • Two more AYG Sprints with a mosey return and simple 10-count
  • Pistol Squats on the Cinder Block, 10 each leg OMD
    • Line up and sprint
    • Repeat for 3 sets of Pistol Squats and Sprints
      • Shank at this point began thanking me profusely and expressing his extreme satisfaction of joining this workout today!
  • Bulgarian Split Squats on your Cinder Block/CMU
    • Line up and sprint
    • Repeat for 3 sets of these and Sprints
      • Additional praises from Shank, with light emphasis from Hermes

  • Grab your Cinder Block and line up, Lunge walk to the next light pole (50’ish yds)
    • That was exhausting!!! YHC opted for a “Mumblechatter Walk” to the next light pole and back to catch our breath
    • Then pick them back up and lunge walk back to the start
  • Line up and Sprint!
  • Using the Cinder Block as a seat, we then did Pulsing Squat Jumps
    • Basically, triple tea-bag the cinder block and then jump as a 4-count move
    • Set of 20 followed by a short break
    • Second set of 20 followed quickly by……
    • Another Sprint
      • Pretty sure I’m now solidly in the running for Shank’s favorite Q of all time!!
  • Grab the Blocks and return to the flag
  • 50 WWII’s
  • 30 American Hammers
  • Runner’s Stretch for 45-seconds each leg
  • Standing Quad stretch for 30-seconds each leg


  • Announcements
    • YHC forgot Counterama and Namerama, so we reset and did that…..
  • Additional Announcements
    • None
  • Prayer Requests
    • Continued Prayers for Swag’s M and family, post-op indicates a positive prognosis!!
    • JigglyPuff is running a Marathon at Disney this Sunday!
  • Praises
    • None

That was a great workout, AND I was able to get showered and finish my presentation with time to spare!!!!!

MIAGD, fellas!

See also