Leg Day, All Day

It’s A Team and this is my backblast.

Pledge of Allegiance then…

Warm Up

Mosey to the parking lot by the tennis courts. Circle up for Sir Fazio arm circles, Overhead claps, Steve Earles, and some runners/calf/hamstring/hip stretching.

All the Thangs

  • First, go to the traffic circle by the picnic area. Partner up. Partner 1 does El Capitan around the circle. Partner 2 runs around the opposite direction. Each time you meet, 10 merkins and then switch. Each partner runs 5 times.
  • Mosey to the little rock pile by the basketball court.
  • Don’t get rocks yet, but do have Kwik Stop give a 10 count. Set of 7s, on this hill do 1 LBC, on the opposite hill at the speed hump do 6 burpees. Oh, and run all uphills backwards
  • Get to about 3/4 and realize you’re running out of time. Meet back at the rock pile for 3 sets of rock curls, overhead presses, and squats
  • Mosey back to the front parking lot


American Hammers, Supermans, Calf and hamstring stretches. Have a Nice Day


An even dozen PAX, and average age was up there.

Your October is booked.

We took prayers and praises, and YHC took us out.


  • Wawa taught my kids in Sunday School. No wonder they’re so…nevermind
  • I mean, we had 2 Honors in the group this morning.
  • Great to see Freebird out there this morning.
  • BRR training doesn’t always have to be mileage. Just most of the time.


See also