Leave your Bricks behind

Go Time 0545

  • Jog to end of lot - circle up
  • 20x IC SSH
  • 20x IC Imperial Walkers
  • 20x Plank Jacks
  • 20x OMD Merkins
  • 15x IC Peter Parkers
  • 15x OMD merkins
  • Mozy out (backward Run, Kariokie etc)
  • Stop along the way for
    • Irkins on the fence
    • BTTW walk across the bridge (crowd favorite)

The Thang Uno:  

  • Pair up (p1 w rock / p2 around pond to pullup bars 5x) Flip
    • AMRAP Rock curls/Rows/Press/Extension/Man Makers
    • 5 trips to pullup bars
  • Head out - Mozy to parking lot
  • Crawl Bear the bridge for good measure

The Thang Duo:

  • Grab brick - Circle Up
  • Plank with one hand on upright brick
  • 10x OMD Merkins (brick in other hand) + 10x OMD Merkins
  • 15x brick reverse fly (left arm up/right arm up)
  • 15x brick front raise (left arm up/right arm up)
  • LBC w brick
  • WWII w brick



BBQ at Scotts Mill today! Proceeds to help Kubota upcoming adoption


Prayer Requests

Ascot’s Brother - medical test

Pickles M and Leprechaun

Doogie 6 weeks till baby #3

Cameron to overcome his infection

Jason battling cancer


Naked Moleskin

Thank you for being the influence the YHC needs in his life.

Carry your load from yesterday into today and you will achieve the same outcome. Leave your troubles behind and build a new day.

See also