Leave the Park! 11/3/17 SWW

YHC was honored to lead these Stallions in a little belated b-day workout.  Maiden Q for me for this AO.  Many many great options.. The Warmup: In honor of the best Tuesday AO in all of Carpex, the first  activity is to… Leave the park Jog to the Bocci restaurant shopping center, down around back at the bottom of the stairs, Mime in a Short Box while we wait for the 6. Circle up for some standard warm up stuff many in roughly 38 counts.  SSH, Merkins, Good Mornings, Plank Jacks, Arm Circles, bw Arm Circles, maybe something else here.

The Thang: Partner up for Dora 100, 200, 300* (*-actually 600) Partner 1- run up the stairs and down the middle of the building and around the parking lot. Partner 2- start doing the exercises.  Flapjack as needed to hit totals. 100 Burpees, 200 Squats, 300 double count crunches. The pax got distracted by some Sirens up in the parking lot.. many said their praises for the creation of Yoga Pants. This put us quite a bit behind schedule. Or maybe it was the 600 freaking crunches… YHC forgot a watch and thought Shut-in was full of it when he said there is only 10 minutes left.  But then, when is Shut-in ever full of it.  He is usually a stand-up honest kind of guy.  Turns out he wasn’t full of it. Apparently time flies at SWW according to the site-Q’s. Run back to the playground, do 10 partner assisted pull-ups, flap-jack, repeat for 20 per. Smokey let us know it was now officially time to stop.  So we kept going and jogged over to the bathroom.  See you later Blue n Out! COT - 11 stallions, announcements.. see the Carpex Chronicle, Praises - Shut-in’s uncle was dismissed form the hospital relatively early. Prayer requests - several tough situations posted on the Group Me 3rd F Prayer channel..

NMS: There were so many things we did not get to today.. this was a one-arm merkin free workout, there was also no balls to the wall to be had this morning.

Great group of men, enjoyed the workout and fellowship!

See also