Lazy Ass Hofberg

There were a few HIM who got after some EC running. YHC and Banjo tackled 5.5 and we saw the Mother of all Bells show up for some, but as I went to press I did not know how far he ran or who joined him. But if you did you know who you are and what you did.

0545 No FNG No reason for Disclaimer No time for the pledge.

Mosey to the track

**One end of the track, Good Mornings; Other end, Windmills

**The Thang
**Bay of Fundy: Start with 5 reps of a called exercise, then run to the other end of the track. Repeat the 5 reps of the first exercise and add 10 reps of a new one. Run back to the other end of the track. Rinse and repeat through the following exercises:
5x Burpees
10x Merkins
15x LBC
20x CDD
25x Squates
30x A. Hammers (L/R)

It was about this time that a young lady who was running laps at the track ran by us on her way out and asked if Dave Hofberg (aka Pivot) was here. When we told her NO, we heard her mutter "Lazy Ass Hofberg" as she ran away. We laughed and laughed and laughed.

35x Hallelujah
40x SSH
45x Overhead Clap
50 Table Dip Single Leg Raises (25 per leg)

P.S. We ran out of time and did not get to 55x Mnt. Climbers or 60 sec Plank Hold
P.P.S. This is the 3rd time I’ve attempted the Bay of Fundy and have yet to complete it. Which AO and which PAX will be the first? Site Qs, DM me your request to host the next attempt. I will consider the applications and get back to the winner.

Mosey back to the flag


Prayers/Praises: Forceps in SW who lost his oldest son (no other details); Dirty Bomb’s friend; Those whose businesses may be affected by what’s happening in China and that we all stay safe and healthy.

YHC took us out with a quote from Gen. George S. Patton

“The coward is the one who lets his fear overcome his sense of duty. Duty is the essence of manhood.”


See also