Laying some Pipe with a Build-A-Bear VQ

30 Pax convened in the gloom, roughly 15 more than I expected.  And they brought props!  No, I did not tag everyone, and my apologies.  Despite capturing the names immediately after COT, I have lost my notes.

No FNG’s this day, let’s get started!

Quick count-a-rama and we’re off to the Bocci parking lot at Kildaire and Lochmere for a warm-up!


  • SSH
  • Good Morning
  • Dragon Pose Stretch, 10-count, swap 10-count
  • 4-count calf-stretch Merkin’s - 10 each side
  • Sir Fazio Arm Circles for good measure

Thang 1: Mosey to the bottom of the parking lot, split the pax into two roughly equal parts

  • Group 1:  All-You-Got Sprint uphill to the first curb, drop and do one “World’s Worst Merkin” (This exercise will show up again!), slow mosey back to the bottom of the lot
  • Group 2: Pax calls mary waiting for group one, focus on abs
  • Switcheroo
  • Lather, Rinse, Repeat increasing World’s Worst Merkins until both groups complete five full sets

Mosey down to the greenway and pause under the bridge.  PAX completes 10 Burpees OYO to pick up the 6

Pax splits back into two lines for a Scout Run back to Ritter Park for Thang 2

Thang 2:

  • Count-a-rama by 5’s for an upper body circuit
    • 1’s Pullups to failure plus three “negatives”
    • 2’s helping 1’s on the negatives
    • 3’s curling pain sticks near the flag
    • 4’s dips at the benches half way to the shelter
    • 5’s start as a run from the pull-ups to the curl station
  • Pax rotate through the circuit Pullups - Pullup assist - Curls - Dips - as the next group arrives at each station for two full rotations
  • Pax then line up on the pickle for an all-you-got “Victory Lap”

COT for 10ct Homer to Marge.  (My brain said “Marge,” but my mouth Uttered “Mars” which initiated much mumblechatter about other planets and space travel)

We wrapped this splendid VQ with a quick “Have-A-Nice-Day”

I know I’m missing tons of folks, sorry about that!

See also