Last Year as a Hate

4 Pax showed up to the gloom for YHC’s birthday beatdown, which will also be my last birthday in my twenties. So after we arrived and caught up till start time, we started to say the pledge. But Yogi ended up jumping in and (paraphrasing) pledging to Jesus as our only Lord and King! We decided that we couldn’t have said it any better, so with that we were off to the Community Center parking lot for warm up.

Warm up

  • Good Morning
  • SSH
  • Steve Earle
  • Merkins
  • Plank Jacks
  • Calf Stretches

Thang 1

Everyone grabs a rock and partners up. P1 Bear Crawls or Crab Walks to a certain point and runs back while P2 is doing a said rock exercise AMRAP, then switch. Rock exercises covered were: Overhead Press, Tricep Extensions, Curls, Squats, and Rock Rows.

Thang 2

We continued with our partners along the road as YHC selected “Catch Me If You Can” as the next routine. The one being chased had to prisoner run, while the one chasing had to do 3 Burpees before chasing after them. This routine continued till we reached High House Rd.

Thang 3

After a round of WWII’s and Copperhead Squats, we made our way back to where we started by doing ascending Merkins at each lightpole x 2. And, of course we couldn’t leave the area without taking a quick detour down our favorite hill doing some Dips on the picnic tables.

After we went back up Yogi led us in some Burpees.

Thang 4

On the wall near the rock pile we did several rounds People’s Chair and Declined Planks. We made our way back to the flag doing, what YHC calls Indian Squat Holds. Line up in single file formation and squat hold, last guy in line sprints up to the front and gets back into squat hold formation.


  • LBCs
  • American Hammers
  • Homer to Marge
  • Situps
  • Pickle Pounders
  • Low Slow Flutters
  • Merkin
  • Side Plank Star Crunch
  • Black Widow Knee Slides
  • 100s
  • Have a Nice Day


4 Pax – 2 Respect, 1 Meh, 1 Hate


Prayers for Texas Ranger’s brother and his health concerns, and for YHC’s dad and his back issues.

Praises for all work God is doing in Yogi’s life and his family’s lives. Texas Ranger took us out!

NMS: It sure felt good to get back to it in the gloom! Thanks again gents for coming out with me! It was an awesome start to my birthday!

See also