Last Minute Q

Disclaimer- for those that have been to any one of my Q’s in the last year, I usually like to have at LEAST a couple days to write up my Weinke. With Headroom heading out of town and signed up to Q Lions Den that same day, he reached out if I could grab it for my future Q here. Without hesitation I grabbed the spot.

20 Pax arrived on time to find Headroom not here and that I have the Q. No one left either, dispute the new Q and what I believe was the coldest morning of the year so far. No FNG’s so we recited the pledge and we’re off.

The Thang: Quick mosey around the parking lot and circle up for good mornings, SSH’s, calf stretch, runners stretch, and seal claps.
Mosey over to side of church were the stairs are at and partner up. Partner one to perform Merkins while P2 runs to bottom for 5 burpees. Flip flop. Continue this pattern with incline merkins, decline merkins, squats, step ups, Mike Tyson, dips, and one more round of merkins for Ma Bell.
Mosey to bottom of hill. Time for Lt. Dan, which is left/right lunge walk followed by 1 squat to the top of the hill.
Mosey to parking lot. Find your partner again. With your partner Bernie Sanders run the length of the lot and perform Pax choice of any exercise you want for 10 reps. Forward run other side of lot and perform Pax choice of any Mary for 10 reps. Repeat this pattern to complete entire parking lot and back again to starting point.
Time for Mary- had enough time for boat/canoe and lbc’s.

And I’ve officially made it through my first Q without a Weinke.

Prayers up for Cataracts upcoming shoulder surgery.

See also