Last but not left behind

An amazing morning for a solid run and broga with Carpex’s finest HIM. Sure I was the “The 6” this day, but
1. I’m happy to have completed the entire course.
2. The pack came back to pick me up.
I consider that a win.

The Route:

  • South on Louis Stephens Drive
  • West onto Morrisville pkwy
  • North onto Davis Drive
  • West onto Morrisville Carpenter Road
  • South on Louis Stephens Drive

Yoga Thangs 

Standing position - Bent over at waist. Arms hanging down.
Stirring a pot of oatmeal.

right leg over left
left over right

Quads - pull up to buttock - left/ then right.

On your six
Butterfly - stretch

On your back
bent leg - left in - stretch to toes
bent leg - right in - stretch to toes
both legs straight- to toes
on back - ankle on knee.. pull back. switch legs

Pigeon stretches
Downward dogs
Runners stretches

Neck rolls.

Have a nice day.

See also