Lamp Posts and Pickle Pounders

The day had come: YHC’s F3-aversary – 365 days since stumbling out into the gloom at SNS and earning a new appreciation of the nuances of Bond Park. To commemorate, YHC chose to Q at BO in downtown Cary. BO has become a favorite because of the variety of options it presents and how no two workouts seem to be the same. Making sure that today would be no different, we prepare to head out into the lamp post-lit gloom. (foreshadowing…)

Jiggly Puff comes in hot at 5:44, fresh off of a diaper change, and we’re all here. With a polite “Shall we?”, YHC leads the 12 others to the bank corner for a warm-up of:

  • 15, make that 16 Good Mornings as YHC got a bit amused by the mumblechatter and lost count on the cadence. Back on track for…
  • 15 Overhand claps
  • 15 SSH
  • 15 Hillbillies

With that out of the way, very quick jog to the corner for Thang 1:

  • Starting at the lamp post at Chatham and Academy, jog down Chatham toward Harrison, stopping at each decorative light for a sequence of 5-10-15-20-15-10-5 plank jacks. Plank hold for the 6.
  • Cross over Chatham and head back towards Academy, this time with the same sequence of LBCs. Squat hold and then continue…
  • Turning right on Academy, we continue our examination of the light fixtures of DTC with some jump squats. YHC points out that some of the lights on Academy have two fixtures, so we should do those in 4-count cadence, effectively doubling our count.
  • We continue down Academy towards the Art Center, repeating our sequence with Carolina Dry Docks and finally Sumo Squats. 35 light posts, at least 80 reps of each exercise.

This puts us at the Arts Center where we partner up for some Dora 1-2-3. P1 starts on 100 WWII’s, 200 Merkins and 300 Star Jumps while P2 bear crawls up the steps and lunge walks down the ramp. Flip-flop until done, or out of time. Only one group was able to complete the full set before Disco Duck tells me the time and we’re back off down Academy, stopping at each double lamp post for 5 Diamond Merkins, just to keep it interesting.

Billy Run back down Waldo to the flag for Mary:

  • 15 Freddy Mercury’s
  • 15 Box Cutters
  • 15 Dying Cock-a-roaches
  • 15 Pickle Pounders (#signatureMove), slowing it down for the last 5 reps. Hopefully Leprachaun won’t tell the M about that move.
  • PAX want more, so 15 American Hammers to wrap it up (also to purge the Pickle Pounders out of our memory)

Count-a-rama: 13 PAX – a baker’s dozen Name-a-rama: 4 respects, 2 hates, 7 meh Announcements: Clown car Saturday to The Crick, Habitat for Humanity F3 workday April 12 & 13 Prayers and praises: Disco’s M, Kelly as she awaits results from latest round of tests, Mississippi’s sister that she would be shown good direction after her divorce, praise for Mississippi and YHC for 1 year of F3


YHC never realized how many lamp posts there were in downtown Cary until planning this Q; and, they aren’t all the same style. Makes you appreciate some of the details that make our little community special.

It’s hard to believe that it’s been a year since YHC first stepped into the gloom at SNS, wondering what the heck I was doing, and started the journey from Sad Clown to HIM.  Still a work in progress (aren’t we all?), but further down the road for sure, thanks to being surrounded by some high-quality men who are always helping each other get better. Thank you all for joining me on this journey.

Thank you for the opportunity to lead this morning!

See also