Ladder of Unknown Height

QIC: Parker

Date: 10/18/2019

PAX (bootcamp): Largemouth, Torpedo, Sooner, Snots, One-Four, Biner, PBX, Gibraltar, Michelob, Big Red, Doogie, Parker. PAX (Ruck): The Departed, Ezekiel, One Direction, WWW, Bartman, Geek Squad.

12 bootcamp PAX and 6 Ruckers gathered in the 43 F gloom at Gran Torino. Last time I Q’d at GT was BRR Friday, and hi-tempo bootcampers were slim. Happy to see a slightly larger group this time. WWW had a look in his eye about the planned Rucker Q, so all PAX were on edge. Let’s do this thing. Mission and disclaimer stated, pledge pledged. Off we go.

Warm Up: Acending tempo mosey from the flag, mosey around the school grounds and neighboring park. Approx 1 mile back to the flag, with some side shuffle, butt kickers, and high knees mixed in. Circle up in the carpool loop in front of the school for quick SSH, good morning, calf stretch, and a few merkins.

The Thang. Tell the PAX we will be doing a ladder which will start with one exercise, then one loop. Then two exercises, two loops. Three and Three, etc. They do not know what exercises will be called or how long the ladder will be. Oh…and before each set of laps the Q will call a ’tempo’ (i.e. approx percent effort) for that set of loops. If you get back before the PAX, do quick feet while you wait. The LADDER:

5 burpees; one lap 50%

5 burpees, 10 Peter Parker Merkins; 2 laps at 60%

5 burpees, 10 Peter Parker Merkins, 15 single-leg squat jumps (PAX required some instruction, mumbled about odd number); 3 laps at 70%

5 burpees, 10 Peter Parker Merkins, 15 LBC in cadence, 20 single-leg squat jumps (less mumble); 4 laps at 70% (hold tempo)

5 burpees, 10 PPM, 15 LBC, 20 SL squat jumps, 30 freddie mercs (Q lost focus); 5 laps at 70% (hold tempo)

(PAX instructed we now needed to descend the ladder…goal is to hold 4 laps at same prior tempo, then get faster with each successive set)

5 burpees, 10 PPM, 15 LB, 20 SLSJ; 4 laps 70%

5 burpees, 10 PPM, 15 LB; 3 laps 80%

5 burpees, 10 PPM; 2 laps 90%

5 burpees, 1 lap AYG.

Warm-down/MARY: mosey a loop then back to the flag. Finish with some GM and hamstring stretching. Total 3.6 miles, 45 burpees, 70 Peter Parker Merkins, 75 LBC IC, 75 SL squat jumps, some Freddie Mercs and 1 smoked Q.

NMS: 12 (?) no…18! for count-o-rama as WWW had the ruckers using every second of available time and then some. Men looked strong out there today. Way to go picking up the six while also pushing. I know running around that loop probably got a little old, but it kept everybody together while still pushing the pace. Thanks for allowing me to lead this morning, it is always an honor.

See also