Labor Day Convergence in Carpex

32 PAX slayed the fartsack on a holiday and opted to do some work on Labor Day. Seems fitting.


Run down past the kiosk to the field - circle up for SSH, Good Morning, Merkins, Arm Circles, Moroccan night clubs, Imperial Walkers.


Get a partner, run to the base of the hill that you’re supposed to stay off of. Okay, TOC, okay.

Partner 1 backwards run up, 5 burpees, crawl bear down. Partner 2 LBCs at the bottom. Flapjack. Do this 3 times each (I think?)

Next, run to the dam and get a NEW partner and a rock. Partner 1 charges up the dam, then around to the steps and back to their partner. Partner 2 rotates between 10 curls and 10 presses. Flapjack. Next round, same thing but with Triceps Extensions and Rock Rows. Put rocks back.

Double Applesauce to the kiosk, then follow YHC to the amphitheater. Get a NEW partner, take 30 seconds to tell each other how you got your F3 name. Then one partner does dips while the other bear crawls up the aisle, lunges across the back, then bear crawls down the aisle. Flapjack. Next round do same thing but with Irkins.

Run up to the large picnic shelter, get a new partner. Partner 1 takes a long lap around the parking lot (out into the street) while other partner does different things (can’t remember. We did two rounds I believe.

With time winding down, we started making our way back to the lot. On the way, Hermes suddenly crumpled into a ball on the side of the road and grabbed for his knee while writhing in pain. The other PAX gathered round to see what happened…as soon as Hot Spot (Hermes’ BRR team leader) strolled up, H couldn’t keep up the charade any longer. He jumped up and started running again, revealing the entire thing to be a rouse. Funny. But punishable. So YHC ordered the PAX to get into groups of three, with two guys carrying the third. Rotate through until we get to the parking lot of the community center. Then on to the Billy Run line for the final sprint.


Yeah, we did Mary.


Count-o-rama: 32 stallions

Name-o-rama: still 32, 2 FNG - welcome Whizz and Mathers!!


Always a pleasure to lead! See you in the gloom


See also