
Very Honored to be able to lead this great new high paced workout. Great clear humid morning. Welcome Tony Danza and Kleenex.



23 Merkins for my son Gibson

Windmills, Plankjacks, LBC’s


The Thang

Indian run around lake, groups of 3 & 4, meet at amphitheater, wall squats and balls to the wall. Partnered off in 2 and did some speed work with CDD’s,  Merkins, LBC’s. Did some 7’s with Merkins and Burpees. Dips, Irkins and Dirkins. More wall squats and balls to the wall.


Slow jog back to parking lot for some Mary and stretching.

Low slow flutters, LBC’s 23 Merkins.


Announcements, 9/11 Stairclimb, F3 dads this weekend, Odessey 10/7


Prayers for F3 and lets reach out and find some sad clowns and get them to F3.



Pet sounds, Bert, Denali, Grease Monkey, Kakis, Tony Danza, Floride, Cooney, Santclair, Bartman, Hermes, Kleenex, Sooner, Largemouth, Texas Ranger, Sooner, Chinese Downhill