Kotters, Crimson

A lot of chatter the night before about the amount of chatter coming YHC’s way this morning. Had a nice little vanilla workout planned, but the return of our brother Crimson pulled big crowd, and most of them are big talkers. Modify as needed has a new meaning.

Warm-Up Mosey over to the church entrance and circle up for side straddle hops, hillbillies (cause we’re in Apex), Sir Fazios and cotton pickers. Get a little good morning from Nature Boy, who was on time, and some reward burpees thanks to half a dozen pax who were not.

The Thang Mosey up to the field at the top of the parking lot for filthy 50’s. PAX will perform 50 reps of an arm exercise, 50 reps of a leg exercise, and 50 reps of an ab exercise, OYO, and in whatever order they choose. The first to finish calls recover and we all run the length of the field for one pax choice exercise, then run back. There were merkins, squats, LBCs, burpees, control freak merkins, CDDs, jump squats, dying cock-a-roaches, peter parker merkins, mucho chesto, lunges, American hammers and 100s.

Partner up and mosey back to the church entrance for BTTW. The plan was to go around to various pax and have them tell us how their partner got their F3 name. But this crowd was just too large and too rambunctious.

Billy run back to the flag.

Mary Circle up for pax-led Mary exercises. Only one I remember was Snots calling burpees, because he’s awesome.

COT Count-a-rama:  28 Name-a-rama:  5 RESPECT, 21 meh, 2 HATE Prayers / Praises:  Continued prayers for our brothers recovering from injuries, praise for YHC’s mother walking away from her car accident with only minor injuries, continued prayers for Crimon and his family as they deal with the death of his father-in-law, and praise for Crimon and the strength he has shown over the last few weeks, taking care of his M and her family, being a living example of what male leadership should be. BOM:  YHC took us out

NMS This was the mumble chatteriest workout I’ve ever been to. Herding these gum-flapping cats for 45 minutes was exhausting. But one of my favorite times in the gloom, well done fellas.

Welcome FNG Socrates (pronounced SO-crates)!

There were about half a dozen pax who showed up late. One was WWW, who I think did it on purpose, just so I’d call burpees. The rest were EC runners, led by Liverpool, who I also think did it on purpose, just to provoke YHC.

Did I mention Snots called burpees during Mary? Snots knows what’s up.

It was so good having Crimson back in the gloom with us. You can tell by the size of the crowd what he means to this region. We love you, we’re proud of you, and we continue to be here for you.

It was an honor and a pleasure to lead this large, loud group of HIMs this morning.

See also