KMA, Cataracts!

Sometimes you show up with your fancy new workout only to find out someone else did it the day before and wrote the exact same backblast you planned to write. Sure you could move forward with a copy and be known as a copy cat. Or you could change it completely which is what I did. So if you read WWW’s BB or were at his workout he actually went back in time and changed his so that it looked like mine a SECOND time. But because of a space time continuum issue you can’t remember what really happened.

Thank goodness that I’m the co-Site Q for Claymore (not one of the original 5 Carpex AOs) and we have a reminder for who is Q’ing this week and next week. WWW had such a great weekend trip with the M that I almost forgot that I signed up to Q today. Since it is WWW’s goal to Q at least once a week, I always have a workout in my back pocket.

It’s great to get out in the gloom and watch the Brothers trickle in for a planned beatdown. And lookee lookee there is WWW. This is going to be fun…

As always, I want the routine to be tough but achievable.  This one was tough.  We got through the F3 admin stuff.  No FNGs.  Off we went to QIC/YHC truck for you guessed it, coupons for everyone.

As everyone sized up their coupon, which they all were the same, we took quicktimed (speed walk) to the big parking lot to circle up for warm up.  Warm-up: GM with coupon, hamstring stretch with coupon, NO Abe Vigoda without coupon (cause only lame-o’s call that), calf stretch (l/c/r), Eskimo Merkins (this has become one of WWW’s favorites).

Now for the Thang.  100 challenge. Partner up so you have an accountable partner to help you or you help HIM to complete the challenge.

6 exercises (with coupons):  Burpees, WWIIs, merkins, mountain climbers (4 count), squats, curls.  Between the partners, they will decide on how to meet the challenge.  If they wanted a break, they would both run / walk around the pickle.

No one finished the challenge.  Hotty Toddy and Disco Duck tried to “share” their 100’s and finished early. Until I nipped that in the bud. Ma Bell wasn’t there and probably would have failed miserably at it.  For those that came close to finishing, GREAT WORK!!!  For those that pushed themselves and pushed your Brother, GREAT WORK!!!  WWW and I got 8 sets completed. (So there, Roaster!! How you like me now!! :)

Total count:

10 sets completed:  600 reps + the pickles they completed; 9 sets – 540 reps; 8 sets – 480 reps, 7 reps – 420 reps, etc. (I don’t know what this means or why I wrote it.)

Due to time, QIC called it at 5 mins til to close out the workout.  WWW took the remaining minutes to have a drop in Rubberman Man stretching routine.  Have a nice day!

COR: 9

NOR: 2 Respects, 6 Mehs, 1 WKRPs


TCP Sawgrass this Sunday.

5K/10K Memorial Day.  Get with Nan’Tan for deets.

9/11 Stair Climb at Carter Finley

Q Source has moved to Crema

Prayers / Praises:

Safety for WWW’s M & 2.0 x2 traveling to Maryland.

Safety for all the HIMs and their families who are traveling and vacationing.

Healing for all the HIMs who are working through injuries.

What a true blessing to lead you Gents in the gloom.  Thank you for being out there this morning to work on the challenge.

See also