Klingon Opera

I’m sorry…what?

13 PAX descended on downtown Cary, NC, a town formerly known as Bradford’s Ordinary. Personally, “Cary” is much easier to say so I’m thankful I don’t have to say I live in Bradford’s Ordinary, North Carolina. Either way, still better than saying that I live in Apex.


Quick jog over to the Bank for:
Calf stretches
Good mornings


Mosey over to the Ol’ Parking Deck for Double 11s.

West End, bottom floor: Merkins x 1
West End, top floor: LBCs (4-count) x 10

Jog East

East End, top floor: Squats x 1
East End, bottom floor: American Hammer (4-count) x 10

So on and so forth.

Mosey back to the flag for…


45 seconds of V-Ups


Count-o-rama: 13, then 15 (2 fly-bys)
Name-o-rama: Still 13+2; 1 HONOR, 5 Respects, rest meh (maybe 1 Hate, can’t remember how old Viking is)
Announcements: TCP Sawgrass this weekend
Prayers / Praises: Keane, Cynthia, and the boys


Fun group this morning. A good mix of old-timers and new blood. Good mix of young’uns and old farts. Simply put, twas a delightful morning.
Hi-liter provided the push this morning. When asked what had gotten into him this morning, his response: “I got my butt handed to me for 15.5 hours this past weekend and I’ve got some work to do.” What a hero.
Only a few guys finished the entire set of double 11s, Hi-liter and Quick Stop being the most notable. I barely finished simply because I didn’t want to let ol’ Chadwick lap me. The rest of the guys were moving at a very good conversation pace. As a talker myself, I can appreciate that.
It’s always interesting to me when we do some sort of cyclical work like we did this morning and you pop in and out of different conversations happening in different clusters of guys. Sometimes it’s about work, sometimes it’s about the kids, and sometimes it’s about frog penises. Yes, I’m being serious. Ask Ripper about it when you see him next time.
Be honest, when I mentioned Riptide just a second ago, were you surprised? No, not at all?
We had a couple fly-bys this morning coming in hot after completely Maynard #4 today. Those boys, while incredibly impressive, are out of their ever-loving minds. Shouts to Banjo and JigglyPuff for gracing us with their presence.
I’m trying to curse less. “Ever-loving” is a family-friendlier way of saying “M*****-F******”
Jiggly Puff, one of the fly-bys, knocked his site-Q duties out of the park with a cooler drop with some iced coffee and cold drinks.
A third fly-by made an appearance, a spry-looking Capt Kirk bounded onto the scene while the rest of us sipped our coffee and gatorade. He brought some music with him. When asked what it was, his response was “Klingon Opera”.
The PAX slowly filed to their cars after that, tears of laughter in their eyes. Nothing was going to beat that ending.

Was a pleasure to lead. See you next time


See also