Kittens in their mittens

Great title, stole it from Duck’s Slack post.

31 on the Steve, raining and a bunch of junk on the ground after some early December snow. Purrfect.


  • After a quick huddle up to set expectations, we’re off.
  • Mosey into the park, ensure footing is secure, run up the street.
  • Circle up for stuff.

The Thang:

  • Get a partner for partner 11’s on the hill. Basically just 11’s but handing with another dude. Squats at the bottom and merkins at the top.

  • After the 11’s mosey to the lot for quick feet and curb merkins, run a lap, repeato, run a lap, repeato, run a lap. At some point the six was called to the front and penalty burpees were handed out for running in front of said six. It was fun, Hi-Liter got to run a lap while the pax amrap’d burpees at one point. Fun, indeed.

  • Get back with that partner for catch me if you can (CMIYC) with 10 squats at the exercise of choice. YHC launched snow balls at the pax throughout.

  • Circle of pain with YHC, Hi-Liter and Chipper on merkins, squats, and LBCs (oh hey wet parking lot).


  • Finish up with the circle of planks and some superman’s at the end.

Announcements; see slack. Prayers were lifted up in including Sooey on travel, Crimson on surgery, and Ausfhart (more updates to come).


  • Cold, wet, rainy, snowy… no better place to be than the Gloom with my bros.

See also