Kings of the Hill

8/28/17: 64 degrees, limited humidity, 29 men for a little hill work this AM. Flag planted at the gate. One FNG. Forgot my cape and boxing gloves. We are off to the ball field parking lot for a warm up.

Warm Up

  • GMs x 10 (you’re welcome Nature Boy)
  • SSHs x 52
  • Jog over to the top of the grass hill under the power lines
  • 5 Burpees, OYO
  • Mosey to the bottom of the hill

Thang 1

  • Run to the top of the hill
  • Merkins, AMRAP
  • Jump Squats, AMRAP
  • Wide Grip Merkin, AMRAP
  • Star Jump, AMRAP
  • Diamond Merkins, AMRAP
  • Burpees x10
  • Mosey to the bottom of the hill
  • American Hammers x 30 in cadence
  • LBCs x 30 in cadence
  • DCs x 30 in cadence
  • Crunchy Frogs x 10

Thang 2

  • Bear Crawl up the the hill as far as you can go, run the rest of the way
  • Merkins x 25
  • Jump Squats, AMRAP
  • Wide Grip Merkin x 25
  • Star Jump, AMRAP
  • Diamond Merkins X 25
  • Burpees x 7
  • Mosey to the bottom of the hill
  • American Hammers x 25 in cadence
  • LBCs x 25 in cadence
  • DCs x 25 in cadence
  • Crunchy Frogs x 10

Thang 3

  • Run to the top of the hill
  • Merkins x 20
  • Jump Squats, AMRAP
  • Wide Grip Merkin x 20
  • Star Jump, AMRAP
  • Diamond Merkins X 20
  • Burpees x 5
  • Mosey to the bottom of the hill
  • American Hammers x 20 in cadence
  • LBCs x 20 in cadence
  • Box Cutters x 20 in cadence
  • Crunchy Frogs x 10 in cadence

Thang 4

  • Jog over to the pick-nick shelter
  • Dips x 20
  • Step Ups X 20 in cadence
  • Burpees x 5
  • Jog back to the parking lot


  • Announcements: New AO Wolverine starting 9/18 at Davis Drive Park,  Labor Day convergence at Bond, 9/11 Stair Climb at Carter Finley (be there at 5:30…gate 4), Kryptonite is normal tempo that same day and needs a Q, see Pet Sounds about Smith Mountain Lake week-end
  • Welcome new FNG, Minwax
  • Prayers/Praises: Texas, Chinese Downhill’s mission with college students
  • Mississippi took us out

 Thanks all for making it out. It was a honor to lead.

See also