- 19 HIM at Caruth Park in Dallas, TX did some work CarPex-style. 1 for the Hi-Liter Heatup EC. Welcome FNG, Plinko!
The Warmup (Hi-Liter)
- Pledge of Allegiance at the flag.
- Run out of the park and around to the tennis court entrance, circle up at the ball diamond for: 5 Good Mornings, 10 Windmills, 15 SFAC, 15 OH Claps, 15 Seal Claps, 15 RSFAC
The Thangs
Jack Webb (1 to 4) Merkins and Hallelujahs.
Find a partner.
Dora 2-3-4: 200 Merkins, 300 Squats, 400 LBCs; Partner 1 does exercises while Partner 2 sprints across the field to the tree line and back.
Mosey to the tennis courts.
Wall of Fire: everyone in People’s Chair while one man at a time comes off the wall for 3 Burpos.
Back with your partner.
Australian Suicides: Partner 1 does AMRAP Australian Mt. Climbers while Partner does a three station Suicide run across the double tennis court. Flap jack. 2x.
Mosey back to the field.
AYG to the tree line.
30 Boxcutters IC
20 Side Plank Star Crunches.
- So honored to lead today, Dallas. Thanks for making room for YHC.
- Awesome 3rdF pre-beatdown. Keep it up!