
Beautiful morning at Hell’s Bells for some fun!  My first kettleball workout Q, so I did my homework & hoped to do a proper job….

14 HIMs gathered – No FNGs, only familiar faces.  F3 intro given & we started with the pledge.  Moseyed around the pickle – front/back/left/right, etc…. With all that running out of the way, we rolled into:

The Warm Up

Circle up for SSH, prisoner squats (deep stretch style), homer-to-marge, lunges, hip rotators, merkins, and spidermans.

Thang 1 – 3 times

We split into two groups:

Group 1 did kettlebell work:  8 Halos, 10 Goblet Squats, 8 each side overhead presses, 15 swings, 8 each side bent over rows, and 6 each side reverse lunge.

Group 2 did agility work on three planes:  1 min mountain climbers (straight ahead motion), 1 min skier (side to side motion), and 1 min of step-thrus (twisting motion)

Repeato so each group rotated through the exercises for 3 sets.  In between we did little moseys and the ole side plank star crunch.

Head to the flag for some Mary with kettlebells – American Hammers, LBCs, Low slow flutter, Homer-to-Marge, H-A-N-D.  Thanks EarharT for the assist with hammer Mary!


  • Count-o-rama – 14 strong
  • Name-o-rama -  3 respect, couple of hates, & some mehs
  • Announcements
    • Look for Crazy Train/Night Train sign-ups on Slack
    • F3 Dad’s camp sign up is live
    • May 31 Carpex Anniversary – looking for 100 total posting pax across the region
  • Praises & Prayers
    • Safe travels to all those spring-breaking
      • Prayers for our PAX continuing to recover post-op
      • Unsaid prays on everyone’s minds
    • WWW felt it & took us out wonderfully in CoT –  I’m honored to be part of it.

See also