Kettle Bell Audible

Air was thick this morning but it was a great morning to put in some kettle bell work. We met at the new location on the other side of the park closer to the pull-up bars. As everyone was showing up, I started counting and we ended up with a total of 18 HIMs ready for a workout. I started to panic because the original workout I devised was for about our average 6-10 HIMs. I remembered what the Fighter Wing Vice Commander addressing the Wing Change of Command team said, “No matter how chaotic it will get, think of yourself as a @Disco Duck [duck] on a pond. As your paddling feet are moving a mile-a-minute (situations), keep your game face (poker face) on and make the needed adjustment(s) to make it happen all the while minimizing the ripple on the water (not showing frustration/panic). Stay calm!” I’m honored for each of them showing up. As I scanned the area, it came to me. I need to take full advantage of the pickle. So here we go.

Warm Up We moseyed a lap around the short pickle circling up to warm-up the rest of our body. GMs, Cotton pickers, windmills, Sir Fazio arm circles forward, overhead claps, and SF arm circles backwards.

The Thang After the quick warm-up, we grabbed a KB each. I’m glad Kubota showed up because he always takes control of the heaviest KB (45# - the beast). Pretty sure it would have been left behind. It takes beast mode (Kubota) to take on the beast. I’m glad she was not lonely.

Sooey being on IR went for a nature walk and DD kept him company (Thanks Disco!)

Thang 1: Getting into 2 rows we did curls for girls while lunging to the end of the pickle.

Thang 2: Getting into 2 columns, Indian Walk the full length of the pickle while doing tricep extensions.

Thang 3: Circle up for some Mary work: LBC with a press (IC to 10) & Freddy Mercs with a press (IC to 10).

Thang 4: Back into 2 rows, we did KB swings while walking to the half-pickle.

Thang 5: Circle up again for more Mary. Crimson started to mumblechatter, “we need to do some KB American Hammers.” I oblidged. More mumblechatter from the pax saying Q needs to take control. I replied back kindly that we are F3 and it is a brotherhood so I’m ok with a pax calling an audible once in a while. After KB AM, we also did Freddy Mercs again.

To break it up a bit, EarharT wanted to show those whom it was their first time at HB/Dante’s Peak the new pull-up bars. We all moseyed to them and he called 5 pull-ups. We had to make use of the bars and not just do a drive by. After each HIM was done, we moseyed back to the start for round #2.

Thang 6: More Mary: Nut crackers (10 count) with a hold on the last rep for 30 secs and 6-inch hold merkins for 5 reps (on my down).

Thang 7: Back into 2 columns, Indian Walk while doing curls for girls for half the pickle.

Thang 8: Circle up for more Mary: KB Dying cock-a-roaches and more KB American Hammers.

Thang 9: Back into 2 columns, Indian Walk while doing halos for half the pickle.

Thang 10: Circle up for more Mary: KB American Hammers & Freddy Mercs with a press.

Thang 11: 2 columns, Indian Walk while doing KB presses. Thang 12: Mary again, Big Boy sit-ups with a KB press & Freddy Mercs.

Thang 12: 2 columns, Indian Walk while doing curls for girls to the starting point to play with our favorite Lady, Ms. Mary.

Mary: With 10 mins left, we circle up and Q calls on a pax for their favorite Mary exercise for 10 reps:

Franklin calls, on our back, KB hold full arm length in front of the face (do not know the name) for 10 count around the circle. EarharT calls EC legs off the ground. As we get around the circle to Franklin, you would not believe the moaning taking place (those taking part with the EC) because Franklin calls a slooooooowww 10 count.

Khakis/Hotty Totty/Frisco each called KB American Hammer (IC to 10). Brutal because it was back-to-back. All because of you Crimson.

Jack Webb (1 merkin / 4 air presses to 10). Those air presses are tough not to mention the merkins which were just as painful!

Last but not least, Have a nice day COT

Count-a-rama: 4 Respects, 12 Mehs, 2 hates

Name-o-rama: Arsenal, Ausfahrt, Billy, Cataracts, Crimson, Disco Duck, EarharT, Franklin, Frisco, Hotty Totty, Khakis, Kubota, Leprechaun, Monkey Nut, Nature Boy, Pickles, Sooey, WWW

Announcements: 4th of July Convergence at SWW @ 0630 start. Other convergence mentions are F3 Churam & South Wake.

Prayer/Praises: Arsenal asked for prayers for his friends going through some tough times. Prayers for Disco Duck’s M’s (Kelly) for healing. Praises for my M & 2.0 getting back safely from NYC.

YHC took us out. It is always a pleasure to be out with you HIMs for a blessed morning! Until next time!

See also